Thursday, April 28, 2011

LEGS of Champions

In a parking lot, ½ size of a football field use field cones to mark off a large rectangle about 50 meters in length 15m in width and also mark half way mark about 25 meters in length with cones.  Parking lots work great for this routine because of the white lines dividing parking spaces.  We will use the white lines for this workout specifically for measurement of distance and switch direction activities
Equipment needed:
·       Stop Watch
·       At least 6 cones
·       Parking lot with parking lines painted(optional)
Divide group up in to team evenly team 1 and 2
If teams are large break teams down in to smaller units of pairs or trios to perform the exercises
Perform the following exercise within the coned area
·       Suicide Drill
·       Squat Drill
·       Side Squat Drill
·       Line Hops
·       Walking Lunges
·       Froggy Hops
Suicide Drill: 5 min
The idea of suicide drills will often make boot camper’s cringe let alone doing them.
They are rough and competitive.  When done correctly they can be one of the best switch direction drills you can do in bootcamp.
Perform suicide drills by running from the starting point to the second painted line in parking lot, then return home as fast as you can.
Without stopping now run to the 4th lines and return to start as fast as you can.  Remember to touch the line with your hand.  Without stopping again, now run to the 6th line.  Repeat this sequence until you make it back to start after the 8th line.  When doing this in teams make sure that teams are separated with enough space between so no one runs into another runner.  Also if teams are large and broken down in to pairs or trios make sure that the next pair doesnt start until the preceding pair/trio comes back home between line 6 and 8.  This will alleviate any risk for accidents.
Squat Drill: 2.5 min
Using the lines in the parking lot again to measure distance.
Have ea pair/trio run to 2nd line and perform 10 squats, then run to line 4 and perform another 10 squats do this by repeating 10 squats at line 6, and 8. Return to starting position.
Side Squat Drill: 5 min
Walking squats to the right/left
Pairs face ea other and squat by stepping out towards the finish line at line #8.
From starting position facing your partner, you both step toward the finish line, this will be placing your movement going sideways.
When your feet are at the widest part of the movement, perform a squat. Then on the upward motion of the squat return the opposite leg/foot together with the foot closest to the finish line.  Basically imaging walking sideways while putting a squat after each step.  If you are traveling in a rightward direction, step with right foot to the right toward the finish line, your feet should now be wide apart from each other. When your right foot hits the ground and you are in the widest foot position, perform a squat.  While returning up from the squat lift your left foot up to be closer to the right foot. And then repeat again.  This will basically be about 20 squats before you reach the finish line.  When you get to the finish line, wait for the other pairs to return and take a break.  You are now going to perform this exercise again in the opposite direction.
Line Hops: 5 min total
Ea boot camper is at his/her own line. The line will be used to hop over.
We are going to use these lines to hop over in the following manner to kill the calves.
·       30 sec- 60 sec front/ back hop
·       30 sec- 60 sec left right hop
·       30 sec- 60 sec clockwise box hop
·       30 sec- 60 sec counter clockwise box hop
Walking lunges: with running laps: 5mins
The idea here is for the entire group to do walking lunges from starting line to finish line and back and forth.
During this time, ea boot camper will take turns running around the cone perimeter.  When a runner returns to his/her lunges then the next boot camper will begin running.
This is performed until all boot campers complete the running portion.  WARNING- This is a brutal portion of the workout!  As with any portion of the workout, hydrate frequently.
Lastly: Froggy Hops: from finish line to staring line.  This is a fun way to finish up this brutal leg workout for last 1 min
Cool down with a light walk/jog around cones again 2min
Stretch routine 5 min
Emphasis on leg stretching
Thank you,
Theo Tilton
“Your most valuable tool in becoming who you really are and who you want to be, can never be lost… It is always available to you, all of the time.” Theo Tilton 2010

Monday, April 25, 2011


There are two stations and they have assigned four exercises to each station.
The stations are about 200-300 yards apart. (see added challenge)
The “ascending” part means: start with just the first exercise at each station,
then add exercises each time you return to that station.
So the first round is one exercise at each station, on the second
round they do the first exercise at each and add the second listed exercise, then
the third round they do the first two exercises and add the third, etc.
If you finish the round with all the exercises and you still have time, you can start to descend the
“ladder” of exercises or you can start back at one exercise per station and work back up.
Tools Needed: Timer/stopwatch
Time: 20-25 minutes of work
      Station #1)  20 reps each
·       Star Jumps
·       Side to Side Planks
·       Bootstrappers - modified
·       Groiner - modified
      Station #2) 15 reps each
·       Mt Climbers
·       V-ups
·       Skating (double count)
·       Pushups (any kind)
ADDED CHALLENGE: Some speed work may be added, you can sprint when
you run from Station #1 to #2 and then jog/recover when you go from Station #2
back to #1.
Thank you,
Theo Tilton
“Your most valuable tool in becoming who you really are and who you want to be, can never be lost… It is always available to you, all of the time.” Theo Tilton 2010

Friday, April 22, 2011

Ripped & Sexy Bootcamp - April Class

I am so proud of you guys!
You inspire me every class with your dedication and efforts.
I want you all to know, how grateful I am, that you selected me to be your trainer.

Always remeber a healthy mind = a healthy body,
Theo Tilton

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ring of Pain

Workout posted for 04/21/11
Formation of a large ring of cones. 
About 20 ft diameter. 
At least 6-8 cones.
Partner/team up with a workout buddy and position yourself at one of the cones in the large ring.
Teams will perform the first exercise from this list below for ten reps then after the team completes the ten reps they will split off and run in opposite directions around the ring of cones until they meet up with each other.  Once they meet up with each other they will perform the same exercise for nine reps and repeat the same process or running in opposite directions until meeting up again around the ring and performing 8 reps… this continues back and forth around the ring until they get down to 1 rep.  The team that gets to 1 rep first stops the exercise.  Then there is a 1 minute break for water and catching breath.  This entire process repeats until the list of exercises is complete or time runs out at 25 minutes.  Remember the team that makes it down to one rep first ends that exercise for all teams.   Now you know why it is called the “Ring of Pain!”
The exercises:
1.      Lying Leg Lifts
2.      Full Sit-up Reaches
3.      Squat Jumps
4.      Body Builders
5.      Calf Hops
6.      Spiderman Push-ups
Thank you,
Theo Tilton
“Your most valuable tool in becoming who you really are and who you want to be, can never be lost… It is always available to you, all of the time.” – Theo Tilton 2010