Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Introducing a Whole NEW EZ Way to Keep Your Spot in Bootcamp with Summer EZ Pay

It is time to renew…

Introducing a Whole NEW EZ Way to Keep Your Spot in Bootcamp with Summer EZ Pay

Enroll in our NEW Summer EZ Pay program to make life just a little easier and make sure you always have your spot reserved in the next 3 months of class.

If you would just like to hold your spot in the June Camp, click here.

Thank you for renewing.


Healthy Mind = Healthy Body,

Theo Tilton


“Your most valuable tool in becoming who you really are and who you want to be, can never be lost… It is always available to you, all of the time.” – Theo Tilton 2010


FBOOK: http://facebook.com/theotilton

Tweet: http://twitter.com/theotilton

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/tiltontheo

YouTube: http://youtube.com/rippedsexybootcamp

Nutrition: http://healthymindhealthybody.getprograde.com

Magazine: http://healthymindhealthybody.fitpromag.com/

Workout Blog: http://www.rippedandsexybootcamp.blogspot.com/

HealthyMind Blog: http://www.ahealthymindhealthybody.blogspot.com/



Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hills and Abs 05/26/11

Tonights class will involve a bit of running hills & performing different styles of AB routines between each hill set

·       Run up hill for up to 1 minute

·       After each hill perform one of the AB exercises for 25 reps

·       Repeat until all AB exercises are completed!

AB Exercise to be performed after each hill set:

1.      Crunches

2.      Leg Lifts

3.      Bicycles

4.      Side Planks

5.      Oblique Crunch

6.      Pillar Planks with front Taps

7.      Pillar Planks with Side to Side Taps

8.      Groiners

After AB exercise is performed continue to repeat hill routine then return to the next AB exercise in the list until the list is completed.


Healthy Mind = Healthy Body,

Theo Tilton

“Your most valuable tool in becoming who you really are and who you want to be, can never be lost… It is always available to you, all of the time.” Theo Tilton 2010

FBOOK: http://facebook.com/theotilton

Tweet: http://twitter.com/theotilton

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/tiltontheo

YouTube: http://youtube.com/rippedsexybootcamp

Nutrition: http://healthymindhealthybody.getprograde.com

Magazine: http://healthymindhealthybody.fitpromag.com/

Workout Blog: http://www.rippedandsexybootcamp.blogspot.com/

HealthyMind Blog: http://www.ahealthymindhealthybody.blogspot.com/

Friday, May 20, 2011

Giving Back Has Never Been So Healthy!

Giving Back Has Never Been So Healthy!

Did you know that when you workout with Theo, at Ripped & Sexy Bootcamp, that 10% of your

monthly fitness investment is going back to the local community of Morristown?

So far Ripped & Sexy Bootcamp has donated over $275 back in to the community of Morristown

      $148.50 to Morris County Parks Commission (The Park Alliance)

      Purpose: Donation Towards Wellness Programs

      Date: Apr 18, 2011

      $128.70 to The Salvation Army (Morristown)

      Purpose: Donation Towards Wellness Programs

      Date: May 20, 2011

As a Ripped & Sexy Bootcamp participant, you get to decide where the money goes.

Heres how it works:

Every month, Theo sends out an email to all clients to select a local charity of their choosing.

The only requirement is that the charity must have a local chapter in the town of Morristown.

Then during one of the bootcamp sessions, Theo sets aside a time where all of the charities are

placed in to a hat and shuffled, then a client gets to select one charity at random out of the hat.

Before the bootcamp session ends that month, Theo writes a check to the local charity for 10%

of all that sessions monthly revenues.

Are you looking to be healthy, active and give back to the community at the same time?

When you know that you are having fun, working-out, transforming your body, becoming healthier from the inside out,

and that a portion of every workout is going back into the community it gives you a sense of happiness and fulfillment that you just cant get at a gym.

If you are interested in getting healthy and giving back at the same time you can contact me directly at Theo.Tilton@gmail.com

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Workout of The Day 05/12/11

Entire group does laps around coned area for warm-up until called upon to perform an exercise.

Exercises for todays WOD

Rep Counts 15-10-5

2 laps

·       Plyo Hop Squats

2 Laps

·       Skaters

2 Laps

·       Half Burpees

2 Laps

·       Lower Twisted Push Ups

Repeat for next set up reps, circuit last for 3 rounds at different rep counts 15-10-5

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Get ready for CRUNCHLESS ABS

Todays workout is one of my all-time favorites.

Crunchless Abs routine is a core burner and shaper that only takes about 24 minutes but the effects will last for days afterwards.

Are you sick and tired or doing the same old crunch routine to get that six pack or flatten your mid section?

Try CRUNCHLESS ABS and transform your mind around how to train the core in other ways to obtain that elusive flat stomach you desire!

Equipment needed:

1.      Towel

2.      Water

3.      Stop watch or Tabatas Timer

30/30s (30 sec of activity followed by 30 seconds of rest)

3 Rounds of the following 8 exercises

ü       Plank Hold (hands or forearms)

ü       Plank Hold Side to Side Hand Taps

ü       Plank Hold with front and back hand taps

ü       Plank Twist Under Arm Reach

ü       Groiners

ü       Plank Hold with Opposite Knees to Elbows

ü       Superman’s

ü       Plank Hold with Hands to Forearm Movement

8 Minute Rounds

Total 24 minutes

Healthy Mind = Healthy Body,

Theo Tilton

“Your most valuable tool in becoming who you really are and who you want to be, can never be lost… It is always available to you, all of the time.” Theo Tilton 2010

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FBOOK: http://facebook.com/theotilton

Tweet: http://twitter.com/theotilton

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/tiltontheo

YouTube: http://youtube.com/rippedsexybootcamp

Nutrition: http://healthymindhealthybody.getprograde.com

Magazine: http://healthymindhealthybody.fitpromag.com/

Workout Blog: http://www.rippedandsexybootcamp.blogspot.com/

HealthyMind Blog: http://www.ahealthymindhealthybody.blogspot.com/

Thursday, May 5, 2011

TABATAS for Cinco de Mayo

8 rounds of
:20 seconds active
:10 second rest
Repeat 5 Times with a different exercise
Cinco Exercises for Cinco de Mayo
·       Uneven Y Squats
·       Uneven Push-ups
·       180 Jumps
·       Roll Presses
·       Sprint in place
Warm-Down, Stretching

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

H.I.I.T. sessions for 05/04/11

For today’s routine we are at risk of getting wet do to the rain.
So we better make it fun and worth it!
1.      Triple Minute warm-ups, 2 sets- Now, you know you have to do SOMETHING to warm up at bootcamp.  These triple minute workouts will do the trick!
1.      For one minute, jumping jacks
2.      For the next minute, jump rope hops
3.      For the third minute, burpees (jump up, into squat thrust, repeat)
4.      Repeat one more time for a total of 6 minutes
5.      Stretch time, 4 minutes
2.      H.I.I.T. sessions, 4 total intervals-If you have never heard of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), you are missing out on what may be the most effective fat burning technique to date. Simply put, you do an exercise at low intensity for a set period of time, then you switch to MAXIMUM intensity for a shorter duration. The most common HIIT exercise is jogging/running. But we use it with strength exercises as well!
·       Mark a distance of approximately 75-100 yards.
·       Camp jogs up and back at a slow to moderate pace for approximately 1-2 minutes
·       Once they have gone up and back once have them switch to a SPRINT and run the distance one time.
·       Upon returning to base camp perform 10 reps of each exercise below:
1.      Single Leg Lunge
2.      Side Single Leg Squats
3.      Seated Knee Raises
4.      Decline Push-ups
·       Repeat these INTERVALS a total of 4 times.
            25-30 minutes
3.      Warm down & Stretch 5 minutes
      Total time 40-45 minutes

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bootcamp Results Enhancement

Dynamic Stretching Routine (Flexibility):
At home do this flexibility routine at least one day per week in addition to bootcamp to increase your range and flexibility.  Repeat this routine for 3 rounds or up to 20 minutes.  For additional workouts go to: http://www.rippedandsexybootcamp.blogspot.com/
1.      10 Boot-Strappers
2.      10 Toe Touch Jumps
3.      10 Reaching Side Bends (10 right/10 left)
4.      10 Cross-over Toe Touches (10 right/10 left) aka Windmills
5.      10 Calf Hops
6.      10 High Knee Tuck Holds (3 sec. ea. side, 10 right/10 left)
7.      10 High-Kick Toes Taps  (10 right/10 left)
8.      10 Trunk Twists
9.      10 Shoulder rotations (10 forward/10 backward)
10.     10 “Down-Dog” to “Up-Dog”
HIIT Cardio Routine (Cardiovascular Endurance):
If you want to see better results from bootcamp.  Perform the following cardio routine at home at least two days per week, during off days from class, or if you miss a class.  Repeat this routine for 4 rounds. Total 20 minutes of Work. A stopwatch will make this routine easier to stay on time.  Remember to drink water when necessary.  Also stop if you are not feeling well.  For additional workouts go to: http://www.rippedandsexybootcamp.blogspot.com/
1.      30 seconds - Jumping Jacks
30 second - Active Recovery (example jog in place or side step)
2.      30 seconds - Fast Squat
30 second - Active Recovery (example jog in place or side step)
3.      30 seconds - High knee Running in Place
30 second - Active Recovery (example jog in place or side step)
4.      30 seconds – Mt. Climbers
30 second - Active Recovery (example jog in place or side step)
5.      30 seconds – Burpees
30 second
Full-Recovery (relax and breathe deeply, slowly to recover, drink water)
Thank you,
Theo Tilton
“Your most valuable tool in becoming who you really are and who you want to be, can never be lost… It is always available to you, all of the time.” Theo Tilton 2010

Monday, May 2, 2011

Left, Right, Up, Down, Back, Forward

Large space to run this drill.
1.      Get organized into several rows/columns evenly distributed (as to make a square). Trainer will stand in front of the group facing them.
2.      The trainer will call out Left, Right, Up, Down, Back or Forward instructing the clients what to do. Left, Right, Back and Forward indicate directions the clients should run and Up means tuck jump and Down means a pushup. Group should be facing forwards at all times.
3.      Group keeps moving for 3-5 minutes and then either repeat or increase the difficulty.
4.      Also the exercise may change depending on the trainers view of perceived exertion.  Other exercise demanded may be squat jumps, jumping jacks, get ups, dive bomber push-ups and more 
Making it harder: To make this more difficult and to get the groups brains working, we might try ‘opposites’ where the group has to do the opposite of what I say. Or I may try the drill in silence and just use my hands to give directions.  Anyone who screws up the formation or the repetitions of the exercise will add additional reps to the exercises for the entire group.
This routine is to focus on agility, endurance, and cardio capacity.
Thank you,
Theo Tilton
“Your most valuable tool in becoming who you really are and who you want to be, can never be lost… It is always available to you, all of the time.” Theo Tilton 2010