Monday, July 11, 2011

Core Galore!

In this exciting Core workout you will have a ring of cones, approximately 1 per bootcamper.
The basic idea is that everyone will hold a plank position until every client completes an exercise at the center of the ring.  The exercises will be performed in a pyramid style starting with 1 rep, then on the second round, 2 reps, 3rd round 3 reps, continuing til 8 reps on round 8.  Then we will start over again with a different exercise starting at round 1 and proceed to round 8 again.

This curcuit will be performed for the following 5 body basics exercises:
  1. Squats - knee lift jumps
  2. Push up
  3. Lunge Twist
  4. Wide Squats
  5. Inchworm crawler
Perform 8 rounds of each exercise for every client. or until time runs out at 28 minutes1

You might be wondering why this is called CORE GALORE...
Did you get the part about holding a plank during everyones reps. you only get a break when it is your turn to do reps.  No worries we wo'nt be doing the same plank position the whole time.
We will switch it up to side planks and reverse planks as well..
Your gonna love it!

Remember it's hot out so drink plenty of water.


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