Tuesday, November 13, 2012




·         Keep the donations flowing.

·         Contractors to help assess home damage so volunteers can perform the work asap!

·         20-30  people about to lose shelter.


Power is restored to all homes that have no junction box water damages.  This is very misleading as many homes are still not livable during the winter even if they have electricity.  All the insulation and sheetrock has been removed to prevent mold.

However, there are still many homes that have electrical water damage and power cannot be restored fully.   The local church on Bay Ave is providing hot meals daily and even setting up satellite BBQ stations in harder hit areas.  They also have their basement set up as a free donation grocery store for people who are in need.  Nearly everyone in this area is in need.  The work this church is doing is unbelievable!


Keep the donations flowing.

Donations of food, cleaning supplies, baby supplies, and hygiene products keep rolling in but are still needed.  With the exception of new socks and underwear, no clothes please, they have enough.

Food that requires no refrigeration or cooking is best to go directly to families as they may not have working stoves or methods to be able to cook as of yet.


Contractors to help assess home damage so volunteers can perform the work asap!

The biggest need this week is contractors good at assessing home damage and what needs to be done to get them livable again.

If you are a contractor willing to donate time and effort for this working class community that has lost everything.  Get to the highlands municipal building or call Karen (info below)and let them know you can help them evaluate homes they would greatly appreciate it!  They are trying to get as many homes evaluated as possible so volunteers can perform the work over the weekend in a huge push to get this area stable and winterized.

Countless homes have already been tagged for destruction by the state.  They desperately need help!


20-30  people about to lose shelter and need a place to go!

Dozens of displaced families in this area have already been placed in long term housing and temp housing.

However, the shelter in the area is now closing because classes at the school need to resume.

From what I hear, there are still 20-30 or so people who need shelter that need to move from the closing shelter at the local school.


If you can help one of these families or provide anything mentioned in the email please contact Karen at 732-513-9571.


Again highest priorities today are:

1.       Keep the food donations flowing.

2.       Contractors to help assess home damage so volunteers can perform the work asap!

3.       20-30  people about to lose shelter and need a place to go.



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