Wednesday, June 27, 2012

W.O.D 06/27/12 - Core Galore II

Today’s workout developed by Principal Bootcamp Coach, Theo Tilton is called “Core Galore II” (Slimming & Tightening Your Mid Section)


·         8 Core Exercise

·        3 water breaks

·         28-min of pure slimming & tightening exercises design to flatten your stomach!



·         30/20/10

·         30s work, 20s active recovery (crunches), 10s full recovery

·         Perform 3 rounds of the following core galore exercises

1.       Alternating One Legged Planks

2.       Gig Saw Planks

3.       Tuck Unders

4.       Side Plank Leg Lifts

5.       Pronated Cross-over Toe Touch Maneuver

6.       Pronated Full Hyper Extensions (Supermans)

7.       ½ V-ups

8.       Get-ups



Who is looking out for your health & wellness?


Theo Tilton NASM CPT

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Monday, June 25, 2012

W.O.D 06/25/12 - Get Squared - Fat Melting Madness

Today’s workout developed by Principal Bootcamp Coach, Theo Tilton is called “Get Squared” (Fat Melting Madness.)


·         12 workout stations (4 upper body, 4 lower body, 4 abs, 4 full body)

·        3 water breaks

·         28-min of pure metabolism boosting exercises design to melt your fat off your body!



12 cones set up, 4 on each side of a square. 

Each cone is the site of a specific exercise which will be determined by use of random selection on the FitDeck!

Cones will be set up as displayed below: ^ = cone


^12         ^10         ^8           ^6


^11                                         ^4


^9                                           ^2


^7           ^5           ^3           ^1


Each client will line up at a cone.

If more than 12 clients in class, then doubling and tripling can occur at each cone.


Using FitDeck®, trainer will assign exercises (4 upper body, 4 lower body, 4 abs, 4 full body, total 12 exercise) to each cone.


How the “Get Squared” workout works:

There will be 3 rounds, separated by 60 second water breaks.

A round will be to perform each exercise for 30 seconds, while between exercises, traveling to each station by

shuffling, karaoke, or running back and forth between the stations as described by the trainer below.


Round #1 Shuffle Left/Right

·         Perform  exercise1          then Shuffle Left 11 stations      

·         Perform  exercise2          then Shuffle Right 10 stations    

·         Perform  exercise3          then Shuffle Left 9 stations        

·         Perform  exercise4          then Shuffle Right 8 stations      

·         Perform  exercise5          then Shuffle Left 7 stations        

·         Perform  exercise6          then Shuffle Right 6 stations         

·         Perform  exercise7          then Shuffle Left 5 stations        

·         Perform  exercise8          then Shuffle Right 4 stations      

·         Perform  exercise9          then Shuffle Left 3 stations        

·         Perform  exercise10       then Shuffle Right2 stations       

·         Perform  exercise11       then Shuffle Left 1 stations        

·         Perform  exercise12       then Water Break


After water break go to Round #2 Run Forward/Backward

Perform Round2, proceed until water break.


After water break go to Round #3 Karaoke Left/Right

Perform Round3, proceed until water break.


Workout Complete!


Remember: each exercise will be performed for 30 seconds.



Client(s) standing at station 12

·         Perform  exercise12 30s then Shuffle Left 11 stations     

·         Perform  exercise11 30s then Shuffle Right 10 stations  

·         Perform  exercise10 30s then  Shuffle Left 9 stations      

·         Perform  exercise9 30s then Shuffle Right 8 stations       

·         Perform  exercise8 30s then Shuffle Left 7 stations         

·         Perform  exercise7 30s then Shuffle Right 6 stations          

·         Perform  exercise6 30s then Shuffle Left 5 stations         

·         Perform  exercise5 30s then Shuffle Right 4 stations       

·         Perform  exercise4 30s then Shuffle Left 3 stations         

·         Perform  exercise3 30s then Shuffle Right2 stations        

·         Perform  exercise2 30s then Shuffle Left 1 stations         

·         Perform  exercise1 30s then Water Break



Who is looking out for your health & wellness?


Theo Tilton NASM CPT

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Follow us on Twitter @ NJBootcampers

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QnA begins now!

@NJBootcampers: 20-min #training & #nutrition QnA starts now! on twitter & facebook w @theotilton. Hit me up with your questions!

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit

Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

WOD 6/21/12

High Heat Workout for today, Body Fat Burn Part II.

Guys vs. Gals.

Guys all on 1 team, girls all on another team.

each team performance is the following exercises , while the other team ,runs out to a circuit station and performs another exercise . the team left behind to perform exercises continues to perform at the exercise until the other team returns back to home base .

Men's team: squat, alternating lunge combo, perform until womens team gets back from workout station 1.  mens team stops performing exercise when womens team returns home . after a 30 sec break, the women's team performs the same exercise the men's team just completed. the men's team goes out to station number 1, performs the exercise, and then returns back home base. The women's team is performing their exercise until the men's team returns back to home base.

this sequence continues until 4 stations are completed for both teams .  this work out will take approximately 28 minutes .

exercises for teams remaining at homebase :
#1 - squats, lunge combination repeat
#2 -from standing position, go down to perform 2 push ups then back to standing position. Repeat
#3 - #1 & #2 combo. Repeat.

Exercise stations away from home base:
1- modified pull ups on parallel bars
2- leg lifts at leg lift station
3- tricep dips at tricep station
4- 1/4 mile run loop with pushups at push up station.

perform exercises until all 4 stations are complete .

who is looking out for your health and wellness?  

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wod 6/20/12

Tonight's workout has been modified due to the high heat advisory.

You guys did awesome !!

Two ropes stations
Two TRX stations
1 legged push up station
Tricep dip station
Running station.
28 minutes of fat burning work.

Drink plenty of water!

Invitation to join Ripped & Sexy Bootcamp® for Verizon Wireless Corporate Classic 5K!

You are invited to join Ripped & Sexy Bootcamp for Verizon Wireless Corporate Classic 5K.

You can register for this event at:

Who is looking out for your health & wellness?

Theo Tilton NASM CPT
Founder & Principal Bootcamp Coach
Ripped&Sexy Bootcamp® - TLT Mind&Body LLC

Monday, June 18, 2012

WOD 06/18/12

HIIT III - 30/20/10


·         30 seconds of work

·         20 seconds of isometrics

·         10 seconds recovery, move to next exercise.


Perform 4 rounds with 1 minute full recovery at end of each round.



·         Warm-up 2 rounds on track


Perform the following


·         30s – Sumo Squats, 20s Squat hold, 10s Recovery

·         30s – Pike Pushups, 20s Pike Pushup Hold, 10s Recovery

·         30s – Alt Tri-Pod Twist, 20s T-Pod Hold (10 each side), 10s Recovery

·         30s – Exploder Pushups, 20s Star Plank Hold, 10s Recovery

·         30s – Alt Single-Arm Star Squat Thrusts, 20s Single-Arm Star Plank Hold

·         60s Full Recovery

·         Perform 4 Rounds (Repeat 4X)

·         Total 25-28 Minutes


Cool down & Stretching


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Warrior Dash coming to LMP July 2012.

If you are interested in creating a team please contact me at


Get ready to RUN!

Verizon Wireless Corporate Classic 5K

Thursday, July 19, 2012   7:30 PM

Headquarters Plaza Pioneer Park Speedwell Ave.

Morristown , NJ


QnA begins now!

@NJBootcampers: 20-min #training & #nutrition QnA starts now! on twitter & facebook w @theotilton. Hit me up with your questions!

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit

Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime� 6.5 or higher is required.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Restorative Yet Powerful Yoga to Increase Flexibility & Fat Burning

Perform the following poses to increase flexibility and fat burning potential.


Sun Salute to Prayer Pose

Begin standing with your hands at your chest in prayer position. Direct your focus inward and breathe deeply for 5 to 10 rounds of inhales and exhales.


Upward Reaches:

Inhale. Sweep your arms overhead.


Standing Forward Bend:

Exhale. Keeping your back straight, hinge from your hips and fold forward taking your fingertips or palms to the floor next to your toes.


Half Lift:

Inhale. Lift from your full forward bend up to your fingertips, lengthening your spine forward and forming a right angle between your torso and your legs. Exhale, hinging from your hips and folding forward again to deepen the stretch to the backs of your legs. Inhale, keeping your spine straight and sweeping back up to standing. Extend your arms overhead. Exhale and bring your hands together in prayer position at your chest. Repeat the half sun salute 10 times. Note: If transitioning with straight legs between forward bend and standing bothers your back, bend your knees.


Chair Pose:

After finishing your last round of the half sun salute, bend your knees and reach both hands overhead on an inhale. Lengthen your spine by gently scooping your tailbone toward your heels. Lift your belly muscles up and in. To relax your shoulders, turn your palms inward toward your face and allow your shoulder blades to slide downward your back. Hold for 10 full breaths. To release, straighten your legs coming to mountain pose and bring your hands to your chest in prayer position.


Low Push-up:

Transition: Inhale, sweeping arms overhead. Exhale, hinging from your hips and folding forward. Inhale, lifting to your fingertips and lengthening your spine forward. Exhale, stepping back, squeezing your elbows into your ribs, and lowering to low pushup position (chaturanga). Engage your abs; reach through your heels and the crown of your head; relax your shoulders away from your ears.



Inhale, rolling over your toes to up dog, straightening your arms and pulling your chest through them to bend your back. Exhale and curl your toes under, lifting your hips into downward-facing dog pose (adho mukha svanasana).



To protect your wrists, make sure that your middle fingers point directly forward. Press evenly through all parts of your hands. Keep your spine long and straight by pressing outward through your crown and scooping your tail as though it could touch the space between your heels. To engage your legs, rotate your heels slightly outward and press them toward the floor, drawing your kneecaps up as you do so. Press your heels closer to the floor every time you exhale. Hold for five full breaths.
Note: If keeping your back straight is difficult, practice down dog with bent knees.


Warrior II:

Lift your right foot into the air from down dog. Look forward and step it up next to your right hand. Turn your left foot out about 25 degrees and place the heel down so your left arch lines up with your right heel. Inhale, bending your right knee, and come to standing with your torso facing left and your arms extended out at shoulder height. Keep your right knee stacked directly above your ankle. Stack your shoulders directly above your pelvis. Hold for 10 breaths.
Take a vinyasa: Exhale and return to plank pose and lower to chaturanga. Inhale and roll over your toes to up dog. Exhale, lifting your hips to come into down dog. Repeat warrior II on the other side.


Side Angle Pose:

Step your right leg forward to warrior II position from downward dog. Keep your right leg bent and either stack your right arm on your right leg or place your right hand on the floor near the inside of your right foot. Keep the sides of your torso long and extend your left arm over the left ear creating a long line from the outside of your left foot all the way out through your left fingertips. Extend with your inhales and twist your torso open further every time you exhale. Hold for 10 breaths. To release, take a vinyasa and repeat on the other side.


Revolved Side Angle Pose:

From downward dog, lift your right foot into the air and step it forward between your hands. Keep your left heel up and bend your right knee. Sweep your arms up overhead into the crescent lunge. Square your hips to the front of the mat and lift them away from your thighs. Place your hands in a prayer position at your chest, lift your belly up and in and twist to the right. Cross your left elbow over your right leg and gently twist your torso to the right. Hold for 10 full breaths. To release, inhale your arms overhead, take a vinyasa and repeat on the other side.
Modification: If this is too difficult with the back knee raised, or you feel too wobbly, you can move your front foot toward the outer edge of your mat for stability or lower your knee to the floor


Warrior I:

Turn your back heel so the toes are angled out about 45 degrees and your front foot faces directly ahead. Square your hips and torso with the front of the mat and extend your arms overhead. To stabilize your foundation, ground down through your back foot as though you were squishing a grape under your heel and scoop your tailbone to lengthen the lower back. Hold for 10 breaths. To release, take a vinyasa and repeat, from eagle on the other side.


Seated Forward Bend:

After finishing five breaths in your downward dog, sit or hop to a seated position on the floor. Extend your legs straight out in front of you with your toes pointing straight up. Move the flesh of your buttocks out from underneath you and separate your heels by about 6 inches apart. Grab your big toes or wrap a strap or towel around your feet if you can't reach. Keep your back straight as you fold forward. Lengthen your spine, drawing the crown of your head toward your toes. Hold for 10 full breaths.


Corpse Pose:

From a sitting position with your legs and arms stretched out in front of you, slowly roll down your back one section of spine at a time. Extend your legs on the floor and allow your feet to be slightly wider than your hips. Extend your arms out to the sides, palms facing up. Close your eyes and relax for 10 minutes.


Who is looking out for your health & wellness?


Theo Tilton NASM CPT


Founder & Principal Bootcamp Coach

Ripped&Sexy Bootcamp® - TLT Mind&Body LLC


Rate us on Yelp!

Visit Our Online Fitness Magazine

Follow us on Twitter @ NJBootcampers

Friend us and Like us on FBOOK


Optimal results in bootcamp

For optimal results in bootcamp:

·         Workout: Attend every class, every month, strive for 100% attendance, do two additional workouts on your own concentration in cardio & flexibility.

·         Track your results: come to BB6 every month to see where you are at on your fitness transformation journey

·         Follow the Prograde 12-Fat burning meal plan

·         Weigh in every Friday to get weekly feedback

·         Prepare your meals a few days in advance: Sunday’s and Wednesday’s are great days to prepare a few days worth of food to help keep you on track

·         Eat more frequent smaller meals (5-6 times per day). For smart, health conscious recipes go to:

·         Drink lots of water

·         Add a multivitamin, recovery shake, and krill oil supplement to your program – Prograde has a great combo pack that puts it all together for you.  It is called the “Platinum Package.”

Tabata WOD June 13th 2012


Perform the routine for 20 sec of work, with 10 sec of recovery for 10 sets of each exercise.
Take a 60-90 second break after ea set of 10.
Rep counting is not necessary.  Do as much as you can during work period.

Have a great workout!

Monday, June 11, 2012

W.O.D. 06/11/12 Fat Burning Circuit IV

Perform the following exercises in a circuit for 30, 60, then finally 20 seconds each exercise for a total of three rounds.

· Warm-up, run around field 1x, then stretches, and exercise review 5- 12 minutes

· Round 1 – 30 second work, 30 second recovery, 5 min, then 60 second full recovery with water break

· Round 2 – 60 seconds work, 30 second recovery, 7.5 min, then 90 second full recovery with water break

· Round 3 – 20 seconds work, 10 seconds of recovery,  complete.

· Cool down – 5 min, stretch 5 min

Total workout time 45 minutes

If sharing the station with others, you may be asked to swap half way thru your exercise

Stations of the Circuit:

1. Ball Throw Squats & Bal Lunge Twists

2.  TRX chest flies

3. Turkish Overhead Kettle Bell Press

4. Ropes

5. Mt. Climbers

Who is looking out for your health & wellness?

Theo Tilton NASM CPT

Founder & Bootcamp Coach

Ripped&Sexy Bootcamp® - TLT Mind&Body LLC


Rate us on Yelp!

Sunday's RSBC BBQ at Anne Marie's Place

A very special thanks to Anne Marie for hosting our first BBQ of the season!



You were a very gracious hostess.

Getting to see the horses was an over the top added bonus.

Thank you very much, you're awesome!


Also, thanks to everyone who attended the RSBC BBQ:

·         Anne

·         Kelly

·         Walter

·         Chrystal

·         Louis

·         Theo

·         Karla

·         Erin

·         Murat


For the remaining bootcampers who did not join us on Sunday, you really missed a great time!

We had such an awesome time.


Here's what we had to eat:

Turkey Burgers, Grilled Chicken, Turkey Franks, Filet, Salad, Yogurt Fruit Salad, Chocolate Zucchini Cupcakes, Chips, Beer, a Special Blueberry Lemonade and more!


There was great bonding conversations and we spoke a lot about nutrition, eating habits, supplements, organic foods, the Prograde program, and I even had the opportunity to share about my struggle with obesity and how I lost and have kept off 100lbs for the past 20 years.


I look forward to the Fat burning Workout tonight to mitigate any abundant cheating calories from yesterday's festivities. J


Who's looking out for ya?




For more information on "What they never want you to know about diet pills" goto:



Pre BBQ Parcourse Workout

Congrats to Murat & Karla for finishing the Pre BBQ Parcourse Workout!


QnA begins now!

@NJBootcampers: 20-min #training & #nutrition QnA starts now! on twitter & facebook w @theotilton. Hit me up with your questions!

This message has been sent using the picture and Video service from Verizon Wireless!

To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit

Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.

Friday, June 8, 2012

RSBC Workout & BBQ This Sunday 06/10/12

RSBC Workout & BBQ Day!
When: Sunday June 10th @1:30pm
Where: Anne Marie’s house
67 Kahdena Rd
Morristown N.J
For direction:

Choose and make your favorite recipe from Theo’s page

Bring a friend if you like and be ready to workout before we pig out!!

RSVP for Workout & BBQ by Sat, Jun 9, @ 3 pm.

Contact Theo or Anne Marie with what you plan on bringing so not all the same thing.

  • Workout starts at 1pm at Lewis Morris Park at Doe Meadow Area.
  • We will be doing the full Parcourse
·         Anne Marie 973-525-3124
·         Theo 973-768-3625

LLet's have a great workout and eat healthy BBQ food!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Wod 6/7/12

today's workout of the day!
june seventh 2012

perform 3 rounds of the following exercises for a total of 30 minutes

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone

Monday, June 4, 2012

W.O.D. 06/04/12 Fat Burning Circuit III

Perform the following exercises in a circuit for 30, 60, then finally 90 seconds each exercise for a total of three rounds.

·         Warm-up, run around field 1x, then stretches, and exercise review 5- 12 minutes

·         Round 1 – 30 second work, 30 second recovery, 5 min, then 60 second full recovery with water break

·         Round 2 – 60 seconds work, 30 second recovery, 7.5 min,  then 90 second full recovery with water break

·         Round 3 – 90 seconds work, 30 seconds of recovery, 10 min, complete.

·         Cool down – 5 min, stretch 5 min


Total workout time 45 minutes


If sharing the station with others, you may be asked to swap half way thru your exercise


Stations of the Circuit:

1.       Duck Unders

2.       Hurdles

3.       Ball Throw Squats & Bal Lunge Twists

4.       Turkish Overhead Kettle Bell Press

5.       Ropes


Who is looking out for your health & wellness?


Theo Tilton NASM CPT


Founder & Principal Bootcamp Coach

Ripped&Sexy Bootcamp® - TLT Mind&Body LLC


Rate us on Yelp!