Monday, August 27, 2012
The past three workouts have been really awesome!!!
Rabbid relay races
Bench buster blubber blasting circuit
Suspension & running circuit
There is so much more fitness fun to come.
This week, expect "Animal-Soccer" and "Who-Has-More-Balls?"
Tonight we ended our TRX suspension & running workout with a fun game of tug-of-war... Great way to end a rough workout.
Great job tonight!
Who's looking out for your health and wellness?
Friday, August 24, 2012
QnA begins now!
Fuel Your Fat Loss With These 3 POWER Snacks
Your Coupon Code Is Below My Signature.
You do know you shouldn't eat candy bars when you're feeling hungry, right?
So what SHOULD you eat? The answer is: Fuel Your Fat Loss With These 3 POWER Snacks >>
Who’s lookin out for your health & wellness?

Theo Tilton Jr. NASM CPT
Founder, Principal Fitness Coach
1.855.946.RSBC (7722)
1.973.768.3625 (m)
Ripped & Sexy Bootcamp ® - TLT Mind & Body LLC
Morristown NJ 07960
PS - It's the summer blowout sale! For a limited time you can
save 15% on ALL Prograde products, so be sure to grab a 6 pack,
or even two, of your favorites! And it's a great time to try something
new that you've been meaning to add to your nutrition plan.

Enter Coupon Code SUMMER15 at checkout >>
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
What is your favorite local restaurant in town?
Chances are you may eat there often. I'm looking to compile a list of the healthiest dishes at your Favorite restaurants. But in order to do this I need your help. Send me a list of your top 5 restaurants that you love to eat at or order delivery. Please include whether you eat breakfast lunch or dinner there. In order to control the scope of this undertaking I'm going to request that tou limit the restaurants selections to the Morristown area only this includes all adjacent towns. I look forward to seeing your list!
As an added request, if you could possibly get me a to go menu from your favorite restaurants or a link to the menu from the restaurants website that would be awesome. The goal of this project is to give you plenty of places to be able to eat out locally during the winter without worrying about falling off your nutrition plan.
Who's looking out for ya?
Theo Tilton NASM CPT FNS
Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone
Monday, August 20, 2012
QnA begins now!
Friday, August 17, 2012
QnA begins now!
So powerful, I had it permanently inked on my arm.
Every time I see my arm, I'm reminded of who I am as a creative spiritual being having a human experience. I get to choose how my life goes, and how I respond.
From nothing, everything is possible speaks a Truth about us that means life is empty and meaningless, we can create the meaning that we choose. Knowing all is possible, what I choose on a daily basis can change.
Do not give situations power over you. Take your power back, choose to respond from a place of Truth. The Truth will set you free. Freedom is the ultimate place of everything is possible!
Today I choose to be healthy, whole, and complete! I am unaffected by the daily influences of the world. I eat powerful healthy foods to give my body energy and power to heal itself and become the true physical being I was designed to be.
I am strong, flexible, & tight.
I am ripped & sexy.
My body has the power to achieve everything I wish to achieve.
What messages do you tell yourself on a daily basis.
Do you persistently tell yourself that you are fat?
Do you always say you will start eating healthy tomorrow or next Monday?
Do you get on the scale with dread and worry about what you are going to see?
Do you surround yourself with others who speak the same way you do?
What are your friends and family saying about themselves? Do they have the same story?
If you said yes to a few of these questions then you are not choosing to live your life in a way that will demonstrate the dreams you may have regarding your health and fitness.
It's time to break free!!!
If you really want to start to change your thinking about your health & fitness, and change your life?
Try RSBC, you will become something new. You can do it!
This is your Last chance offer for a trial week of Ripped & Sexy Bootcamp®:
Get started on your new body now.
Remember, starting from nothingness, everything is possible!
Who's looking out for your health & wellness?
Theo Tilton NASM CPT
1.855.946.RSBC (7722)
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Fat Burning Circuit III : WOD 08/15/12
Fat Burning Circuit III
· Team up in pairs
· Everyone group up together to perform High Knee March in Place at home base.
· March in place continues until last pair leaves home base.
· When pairs complete entire circuit and return to home base, the client pair resumes March in Place movement until last pair returns to home base!
In pairs, start performing FBCIII one pair at a time with 1 minute between pairs.
Perform the following circuit routine 20 reps at each station
· Kettle Squat Swings
· Spiderman Push-ups
· SLDL Reach
· Rope Rows
· Rope Twisters
· Med Ball Hip Extension Glute Press
· Hurdle Hops
· Sprints
· Ladders
· Hop Scotch Cone Hops
Once circuit is completed resume to High Knee March in Place until all pairs are completed.
Once all pairs are complete! The round ends! Break for 60 seconds to get water.
Perform Fat Burning Circuit 2x for a total of 28 minutes.
Good Luck!
Who’s looking out for ya?
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Warrior WOD 8/13/12
Warm up: Up down, left right, forward backward military formation routine.
For time, perform the following routine once only.
The third person to finish the routine ends the workout for the entire session.
100 skaters
50 walking warrior Lunges
100 scissor crunches
50 squat jumps twists
100 ct plank alternating leg lifts
50 x ploder push ups
100 bent over reverse flies
If time allows, perform one hill climb in bear crawl formation up hill of hell!!!
Great job everyone.
We stayed 15 overtime because you all wanted to do the hill of hell.
So proud, so proud!
who's looking out for your health and wellness?
Monday, August 13, 2012
QnA begins now!
Friday, August 10, 2012
QnA begins now!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Olympic Challenge II WOD 08/09/12
Perform the following routine as a Tabatas routine 20/10’s x8 rounds of each movement
before progressing to next movement for a total of 20 minutes.
· Alternating Single Arm/Opposite Single Leg Squat Thrusts
· Plank Jacks
· Abs- V-Ups
· Groiners
· Sprint in Place
Let’s play a game
Team up into two teams!
· It’s called Run Drop & Tumble
Run to cone, drop to lying position roll to next cone, get up and run to next cone, then drop and roll to next cone, repeat until end, then return back the same way! Go until last client finishes on both teams.
· For a total of 8 minutes of pure FUN.
Go Team RSBC & Go USA!!!
Who’s looking out for your health & wellness?
Theo Tilton
W.O.D. 8/8/12: Olympic Gold Workout Challenge
In honor of the 2012 London Summer Olympics perform the following workout.
- 1st team to complete wins Gold
- 2nd wins Silver
- 3rd wins Bronze
- 100 Jack Squats
- 100 Wide Mt. Climbers
- 100 Dive-bombs (without push-ups, shoulder press only)
- Sprint Relay
- Leap Frog Relay
- Human Hurdle Relay
- Surprise relay -Back to back squat walk with partner
What's a healthy lunch for you?
Do you work in corporate America? What do you do for lunch?
Some companies have really great cafeterias, but most do not.
Today I was able to go to the garden salad bar, and load up a bunch of broccoli shredded carrots and about 4 oz of chicken sliced up.
I then drizzled a little bit of olive oil on the mix and sprinkled some hot pepper powder on the concoction. Then asked the grill chef to stir-fry it for me.
He said "no problem!"
I love my cafeteria at work. I can always come up with something healthy. But doing it this way always make the cashier slightly confused on how to charge me. She always asks me why I have to be so difficult. My response is the same back. Why does the cafeteria always have to be complicated & difficult, why can't I just get what I want when I want it. Instead they want me to pick up the deep fried chicken fingers or French fries and cheeseburger. I'm sorry but that is not how I eat, and nobody is going to force me to eat what I do not want to eat. So I can either spend my money at the cafeteria and give the profit to them or I can make my own meals (which I do very often… I only use the cafeteria when I don't have time to whip up lunch in the am) and the café makes no money on me at all.
Listen, if a cafeteria wants my business, give me what I want… Healthy food options, ALL of the time, not just on certain days of the week. I want healthy options every day of the work week!
Ok, that being said… What's a healthy lunch for you?
Tell me what you bring for lunch or buy either in the cafeteria or elsewhere.
Write back in comments section
Who's looking out for ya?
Friday, August 3, 2012
QnA begins now!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Make up class!
theo tilton invites you to participate in Doodle poll "make up class".
Follow this link to participate in it:
This invitation was sent with Doodle for Android.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
RSBC August at Home FBook Monthly Bootcamp Challenge!
Now, here’s the killer part!
Perform 10 reps x the date count until day 10, then continue with the same rep count as day 10 for the remainder of the month.
For example:
- day 1 x 10 = 10 reps
- day 2 x 10 = 20 reps
- day 3 x 10 = 30 reps… day 10 x 10 = 100 reps…
- Repeat 100 reps until end of month.
- 8/1: 10 reps
- 8/2: 20 reps
- 8/3: 30 reps
- 8/4: 40 reps
- 8/5: 50 reps
- 8/6: 60 reps
- 8/7: 70 reps
- 8/8: 80 reps
- 8/9: 90 reps
- 8/10: 100 reps
- 8/11: 100 reps
- 8/12: 100 reps…
- Repeat 100 reps per day until last day of month.
You can go out and buy yourself a kettlebell anywhere between 5-50 pounds. I like 35lbs myself, however I am thinking of moving up to 50 and even 75 pounds soon. However, you may not want to buy a kettlebell so here are a few alternative solutions.
- 1 gallon bottle of water is about 8 lbs.
- 3 gallon jug of water is about 24 lbs.
- 10 lb bag of potatoes is guess what, about 10 lbs. lol J
Keep it simple, it works!