Thursday, August 9, 2012

Olympic Challenge II WOD 08/09/12

Perform the following routine as a Tabatas routine 20/10’s x8 rounds of each movement

before progressing to next movement for a total of 20 minutes.


·         Alternating Single Arm/Opposite Single Leg Squat Thrusts

·         Plank Jacks

·         Abs- V-Ups

·         Groiners

·         Sprint in Place


Let’s play a game

Team up into two teams!

·         It’s called Run Drop & Tumble
Run to cone, drop to lying position roll to next cone, get up and run to next cone, then drop and roll to next cone, repeat until end, then return back the same way!  Go until last client finishes on both teams.

·         For a total of 8 minutes of pure FUN.


Go Team RSBC & Go USA!!!


Who’s looking out for your health & wellness?


Theo Tilton


1 comment:

  1. Tonights workout was awesome, Tabatas are my favorite thing to do, and it's the most effective! What is your favorite workout?
