Friday, April 27, 2012

What to do while Away on a Trip!

So, you’re doing really well on your new fitness regimen and you have seen some fat loss and increase in your fitness levels.

All of a sudden you are faced with a business trip or a vacation that you feel may be difficult to keep on track with all the business lunches and dinners, etc. 

Faced with no time to workout, a busy schedule and more.




Well, this has happened to me many times in my life, as a matter of fact, I travel at least once every 3 months to somewhere, whether it is for business or pleasure.  And many times I do worry about this very same issue.  But being prepared is what it is all about!  If you are prepared, and have a plan, you will at minimum prevent anything that will reverse your progress.  You might even experience a new level of being that makes you more aware that you don’t have to be restricted by restaurant menus & the perception that there is not enough time to do a workout!


So, you might be asking… How do I plan so I do not gain weight while on a trip? 

First off,  plan out when you will have free time.

Next, plan out how you will use that free time. 

Are you going to be bad and cheat on your nutrition plan, or are you going to stay committed? 

Are you going to bring workout clothes with you so you can go for a run or do a sweaty workout in your hotel room or hotel gym? 

When do you plan on going to bed?

When do you plan on waking up in the morning? 

When is the best time to fit in a workout?

How do you plan on eating every 3 hours? 

What about water and staying hydrated? 

All of these questions and more go in to the planning of keeping your regimen going while away on a trip. 


Here are a few tips and an example hotel routine that can help you out if you are faced with taking a trip.



It is very important to not go crazy and eat everything you see while on a trip. 

I’m not saying don’t enjoy the trip, I’m just saying be more conscious and always reflect on your goals outside of the trip and do not lose sight of them just because you are away for a week or two.

Always have snacks available to you.  Like almonds, raw pistachios, jerky, cheese sticks, apples, pears, & Greek yogurt. 

Making sure that you do not go hungry is the best way to not over indulge on the three main meals of the day. 




·         Water:

Always have a water bottle with you at all times, this will ensure that you stay hydrated and hold off random cravings for sugary, & fat filled snacks.


·         Soda’s & Juice’s:

Stay away from any carbonated drink this includes, regular, diet and non-caloric drinks.  They are not natural and should never be ingested. 

The only exception to this is a special occasion or celebration where you get to indulge once and a while, otherwise all of these crazy colas, energy drinks, seltzers, & more, are off limits.

Also, stay away from anything made with juice unless you made it yourself or saw it made from fresh ingredients like: apples, pears, carrots, celery, etc…


·         Alcohol:

Evidence has shown that one 1 oz alcoholic drink can provide health benefits.  This includes, one glass of red wine, or a drink with one once of clear alcohol.

Again be aware of juices and carbonated fillers, especially sugary simple syrups.  It is best to avoid alcohol all together until you reach your goals.  I’m not saying you will never have a drink again, I’m just saying, hold off until you celebrate your victory.


Trip meal planning (daily):

·         Breakfast

·         Morning Snack

·         Lunch

·         Afternoon snack

·         Dinner


·         Breakfast:

Plan on eating breakfast every morning.  Stay away from cereals & breads, margarine & sugar, and pastry goods. 

Rather, go for fresh fruit, oatmeal, Greek yogurt, simple eggs, hard boiled or scrambled.



·         Eggs (hard boiled, scrambled, omelet with veggies)

·         Oatmeal

·         Fresh fruit

·         Fresh veggies


Don’t eat:

·         Juices – unless fresh made in front of you

·         Margarine

·         Cereals – except oatmeal

·         Breads & pastries – except sprouted grain if you can find it.


·         Lunch

You may be stuck with a meeting that has food delivered or catered, try to opt for the healthiest thing possible.

Stick to lean proteins and veggies or simply have a salad with a protein on top.

Stay away from bread, appetizers and dessert.  The only time this is not true is if you go with a healthy appetizer and that is the only thing you order with a side salad.  Don’t be afraid to ask for healthy options.  Most restaurants will accommodate your request. Remember no alcohol for the best results.  If eating lunch with a group of people, always be the first to order.  You may set the healthy tone for everyone who is eating lunch with you. If anything you may inspire the entire team to eat healthy.  What a concept!



·         Lean Protein (Fish, Chicken, Turkey, Lean Red Meat, Eggs, Lean Pork, Tofu, Beans)

·         Fresh Veggies & Fruits

·         Salad – opt for dressing on the side and NO croutons (dressing: use EVOO- Extra Virgin Olive Oil & Balsamic Vinegar)


Don’t eat:

·         Juices – unless fresh made in front of you

·         Sugars

·         Margarine, creams & sauces

·         Cereals – except oatmeal

·         Breads, potatoes, pastas

·         Desserts



·         Dinner

Same as lunch, go with the healthiest option available to you, and don’t be afraid to ask for what you want.

Go for lean proteins and veggies.  Stay away from sauces, breads, creams, sugars, and desserts.

If you must have alcohol: only have one glass of red wine with dinner.



·         Lean Protein (Fish, Chicken, Turkey, Lean Red Meat, Eggs, Lean Pork, Tofu, Beans)

·         Fresh Veggies & Fruits

·         Salad – opt for dressing on the side and NO croutons (dressing: use EVOO- Extra Virgin Olive Oil & Balsamic Vinegar)


Don’t eat:

·         Juices

·         Sugars

·         Margarine, creams & sauces

·         Cereals – except oatmeal

·         Breads, potatoes, pastas

·         Desserts



·         Snacks:

Go out and buy: almonds, raw pistachios, jerky, cheese sticks, apples, pears, & Greek yogurt.

This will keep your body fueled up and never feeling the need to cheat on sugary, & fat filled foods.




With regards to exercise, this may be your biggest hurdle so plan it out as soon as you know what you’re dealing with.

Does your hotel/resort have a gym?  Is there a local park or running paths to use nearby?  Lastly, remember you can always use your hotel room!

What time works best with your schedule? Morning upon waking? Afternoon? Before or after dinner?  It may be different every day, just plan it out.

Write it down, and commit to it, but also be flexible.  My advice would be to do it as soon as you get up.  Then it is over with for that day, and you don’t have to think about it until the next day.

Here are some workout solutions while you are away on a trip…


·         Running

Running always works.   As you get to your hotel or resort, start to plot out a running/jogging route and go running/jogging.

It doesn’t need to be a lot, just 20-30 minutes is great!  If you want to really challenge yourself, you can do HIIT Run for 1 minute, then jog or walk for 30 seconds.  Repeat this method for 15-20 intervals, totaling 20-30 minutes or work.


·         Tabatas (preferred method during a trip)

Tabatas take the least amount of time and is the most effective.  It is similar to what we do in bootcamp.

Here is a sample workout.  This can be performed in your room, outside, in the hotel gym, etc…  It is the most versatile method of keeping on track with your routine & achieving your goals!  Here is a 10 day example Tabatas workout routine.


Perform 8 rounds of each exercise for a total of 8 minutes daily:



8 rounds - 20 seconds of “Squat thrusts” with 10 second break (30 sec for 1 round)  total 4 minutes

8 rounds - 20 seconds of “Wide Push-ups” with 10 second break (30 sec for 1 round)  total 4 minutes

Total combined is 8 minutes that’s it!



8 rounds - 20 seconds of “Fast Squats” with 10 second break (30 sec for 1 round)  total 4 minutes

8 rounds - 20 seconds of “Down Dog/Up Dog” with 10 second break (30 sec for 1 round)  total 4 minutes

Total combined is 8 minutes that’s it!



8 rounds - 20 seconds of “Plyo Jumping Lunges” with 10 second break (30 sec for 1 round)  total 4 minutes

8 rounds - 20 seconds of Leg lifts with 10 second break (30 sec for 1 round)  total 4 minutes

Total combined is 8 minutes that’s it!



8 rounds - 20 seconds of “Burpees” with 10 second break (30 sec for 1 round)  total 4 minutes

8 rounds - 20 seconds of “High Knee Sprint in place” with 10 second break (30 sec for 1 round)  total 4 minutes

Total combined is 8 minutes that’s it!


Day 5 break


Day 6 – Repeat Day #1

Day 7 – Repeat Day #2

Day 8 – Repeat Day #3

Day 9 – Repeat Day #4


And so on!


You can always switch things up, by adding other plyometric exercises, or simply switch the workout all together.  


·         Lastly, The Hotel Gym:

The hotel gym, if one exists, can be a great way to keep your exercise regimen on track.  You can use cardio equipment using a HIIT High Intensity Interval method & you can also use dumbbells for a modified kettle bells workout. 

Finally, remember that many options exist.  You can choose a different workout everyday!  This will make it all interesting, fun, and less boring!


What to bring with you:

·         Sneakers (1 pair)

·         Workout clothes – bring enough clothing that you can workout several times.  Remember , most hotels have laundry service

·         Water bottle – Only if water bottles are not available to you while on vacation

·         Music – (iPod or smart phone)

·         Journal – record your progress


What to get while on vacation:

·         Healthy snacks (raw almonds, raw pistachios, jerky, cheese sticks, apples, pears, Greek yogurt)


Don’t forget to get out and do something different.  See the world.  Interact with the environment.  Maybe you can do your workout in a local park.

How cool would that be.  To do a jog around an old European city, stopping by an ancient landmark and performing an 8 minute Tabatas workout.

Not only do you get to see extraordinary things while being on a trip, but you also get to keep your fitness goals alive and well at the same time.


Remember, there is always a way if you put your mind to it!


Enjoy your trip, Eat Healthy, Move Your Body, Be Grateful For All You Have.



Who’s looking out for your health & wellness?


Theo Tilton



Thursday, April 26, 2012

WOD 04/26/12

Jumping for the Stars!


1.       30 seconds - Star Jumps
30 second - Active Recovery (example jog in place or side step)

2.       30 seconds - Fast Squat Jumps
30 second - Active Recovery (example jog in place or side step)

3.      30 seconds - High knee Running in Place
30 second - Active Recovery (example jog in place or side step)

4.      30 seconds – Chasing Rabbits
30 second - Active Recovery (example jog in place or side step)

5.      30 seconds – Lunging Burpees
30 second Full-Recovery (relax and breathe deeply, slowly to recover, drink water)

Good Luck!




Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The step it up workout !

Perform 3 rounds up and down these brutal steps on the parcourse for a total of 20 minutes.

Who's looking out for your health & wellness?

Theo Tilton


Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone

Today is National Walk @ Lunch Day

National Walk @ Lunch Day – April 25th

It is the first step towards making a big difference in the health of all Americans.

When done briskly on a regular basis, walking can help:

      Decrease the risk of heart attack

      Decrease the risk type-2 diabetes

      Control weight

      Improve muscle tone

      Reduce Stress

You can take your first steps toward a healthier life on Wednesday April 25th.

Once you take that first step, you're on your way to an important destination — better health.

If you can’t take a walk at lunch, take a walk when you can today!!!


Monday, April 23, 2012

W.O.D. 4/23/12


Who's looking out for your health & wellness?

Theo Tilton


Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone

Thursday, April 19, 2012

W.O.D. 04/19/12

Which Team Has More BALLS?

It can be done with 2 people or with 30 or more.
It can be done as a competition, or not.
There are loads of variations, but let me explain the basics first.

Do the following circuit twice, resting for 1 minute between circuits. Each exercise
should be performed for 20 seconds.
·         Flap Jacks
·         Duck Unders
·         T-Plank Twist
·         SLDL Single Leg Dead lift (20 secs per side)
·         Leg Swings

·         Which Team Has More BALLS Workout! (see Below)

Cool-down, Stretching & Water Break – 10 minutes 
·         Dog Bird
·         Down Dog/Up Dog
·         Warrior III

Which Team Has More BALLS Workout Guidelines:
There are 100 mini plastic balls all marked each one with an exercise or an instruction written on them.
The balls are in a big bag set a distance away from home station.  Clients will sprint as fast as they can to get the balls and come back to perform the exercises as a team.  This continues until all the balls are gone or time is up.  The team with the most balls wins bragging rights!

Rules Before we begin:
1.    a camper picks a rep number by hand selecting a small ball out of a secret bag. 
2.    This rep number will apply to all teams during the  balls workout!
3.    If an orange ball is selected during the number selection the coach can randomly assign any number from 1-10, this counts as the number of reps to be done for each team & its member clients.
4.    The Exercise ball bag is a distance away from the starting line about 25-50 yards.
5.    "One-at-a-time" Partners/Teams - - We will divide the group into teams or partnerships.

Rules during game:
·         All members on all teams will hold a plank position while one team member will travel out and back to the ball bag as quickly as possible by running or sprinting.
·         The running Team Member will grab a ball (quickly & randomly without thought) then run back to their team.
·         When the running member returns, everyone will stop the plank position and perform the exercise labeled on the ball for the specified number of reps as a team.
·         Repeat this process for all team members.
·         While members are sprinting out and back, everyone else on the team must hold the plank position.
·         Both teams, play continues until all the balls are gone.
·         Game ends when all balls are brought back, or if time runs out at 28 minutes!

We will have an awesome workout!

Ps. There are some surprise balls that really make the workout harder for the other teams, and easier for your team, but only if you select them correctly; Good Luck!

Who is looking out for your health & wellness?

Theo Tilton NASM CPT

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

W.O.D. 4/18/12

Today's workout of the day 04/18/12

5 minute warm up
Military Formation Warm up
Up, down, left, right, front, back.
Clients line up to form equal rows and columns  creating a formation of a square.  This is the basic formation.
Coach calls out direction.  This an interactive warm up. To be performed at home station.


Starting from home station run up hill on Dirt hill run to first exercise station and perform 10 full body curls.
Run to next station perform 10 push ups.
Run to next station perform 10 pull ups.
Run back to home station to perform Military Formation Workout.

Military Formation Workout
Repeat of warm up, more aggressive, lasting no less than 3 minutes.

Repeat 2x.

Cool down and stretch 5 min.

who's looking out for your health and wellness?

Theo Tilton NASM CPT

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone

Monday, April 16, 2012

W.O.D 4/16/12

Snapshot of tonight's workout!

Workout of the Day 04/16/12


Do the following circuit twice, resting for 1 minute between circuits. Each exercise

should be performed for 20 seconds.


·         Flap Jacks

·         Duck Unders

·         T-Plank Twist

·         SLDL Single Leg Dead lift (20 secs per side)

·         Leg Swings


FLFC (Fat Loss Formula Circuit)

Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for 1 minute between circuits. Each exercise

should be performed for 40 seconds.


·         Get ups

·         Reach Thru Planks

·         Scissor Kicks (Abs)

·         Rolling Push-ups

·         F/B Hand Tap Pillar Planks

·         Alligator Crawl



Do the following circuit twice, resting for 30 seconds between circuits. Each exercise

should be performed for 30 seconds.


·         Jog in Place

·         Prisoner Squat Lunge Combo

·         Prisoner Prone Back Extension


Cool-down, Stretching & Water Break – 10 minutes


·         Dog Bird

·         Down Dog/Up Dog

·         Warrior III


Who is looking out for your health & wellness?


Theo Tilton NASM CPT

Rate us on Yelp!




Thursday, April 12, 2012

W.O.D. 04/12 2K12


Do the following circuit twice, resting for 1 minute between circuits.

Each exercise should be performed for 20 seconds.


·         Seal Jacks

·         Air Squat

·         Plank

·         Cross Countries


Fat Loss Circuit #1

Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for 1 minute between circuits. Each exercise

should be performed for 30 seconds.


·         Kettle Bell Swings

·         Med Ball Throws

·         Plank to Pillar Plank


Fat Loss Circuit #2

Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for 1 minute between circuits. Each exercise

should be performed for 30 seconds.


·         Lateral Lunge

·         Side Plank (30 secs ea side)

·         Glute Press Hip Extension



·         Suicide Runs (5 minutes)


Cool-down, Stretching & Water Break – 10 minutes

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

W.O.D 4/11/12

Workout of The Day!
  • 1/4 mile warm up
  • stretching
Perform two rounds of the following exercises for 
1 minute of work followed by 10 seconds of recovery.
Third round for time: perform 10 reps of each exercise back to back with no recovery while being timed
  • 1/4 mile run
  • Step-ups
  • bench planks 
  • bench dips
  • wide bench push-ups
  • bench twist t-planks
  • repeat 3x
  • Warm Down & Stretching
Last Round Timings:
  • Karla 4 minutes 8 seconds
  • Erin 4 minutes 9 seconds
  • Walter 5 minutes
  • Kelly 4 minutes 39 seconds
  • Jennifer 4 minutes 55 seconds
  • Scott 4 minutes 45 seconds

Who's looking out for your health & wellness?

Theo Tilton NASM CPT

Founder - CTO
Ripped&Sexy Bootcamp® - TLT Mind&Body LLC


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R.S.B.C. Approved Meal Plan

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Walk With Me!

... and hundreds of other walkers on May 6th 2012 for the New Jersey AIDS Walk.

WHAT: On Sunday, May 6, 2012, join us in making AIDS History in the Garden State! Organizations from every region of the state of New Jersey have joined together to unify efforts and produce a single state-wide event, the New Jersey AIDS Walk! On this day, in seven locations across NJ, at exactly the same time of day, thousands upon thousands of people will walk in solidarity to support of people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS. With more than 35,000 people currently living with HIV/AIDS in New Jersey, we have never needed the community’s support more.
Join us in fighting this pandemic by supporting the thousands of people with HIV/AIDS in the Garden State by walking with us for the 2012 New Jersey AIDS Walk.

Sunday...........May 6, 2012
11:00 am........Registration
1:00 pm..........Step Off

HOW: Click the Join Team button and use the website to sign-up or donate. E-mail a link to your all your friends and family. Send them a message asking them to visit our page and make a donation in honor of your effort. Don't forget to print a sponsorship form to collect pledges from individuals who do not wish to give online. Please bring any outstanding and/or last minute donations to on-site check-in on Sunday, May 6th.

WARM UP: Theo Tilton from R.S.B.C will be leading the warm up for the entire event!

Join Team Ripped & Sexy Bootcamp and start helping me raise $1000.00 for this wonderful local charity!

Who's looking out for your health & wellness?


Monday, April 9, 2012

W.O.D. 04/09/12

R.S.B.C Team-

Congrats on completing the first class of the season.

1/4 mile warm up run
Stretching 5 minutes

  • 10 squat thrusts
  • 20 squat jumps
  • 40 push ups
  • 80 MT. Climbers
  • 160 jumping jacks

Cool & down stretching
  • Worm walk
  • Warrior walk

Walter:11:27  Kelly:9:57  Jenna:9:00  Erin:7:24  Jen:13:20  Scott:12:17

Who's looking out for your health and Wellness?

Saturday, April 7, 2012

BB6® is today at 10 am.

Ripped &sexy bootcamp 2012 season begins today!

We kick-off with BodyBasics6®, R.S.B.C's testing and orientation day.
you can still enroll before Monday April 9th.

We have seen such a great response, so we only have a few spots left open.
for the quickest response to ensure you get in, call Theo Tilton directly at 973-768-3625.

So if you are looking to resculpt your body and melt serious fat off your body, give me a call!

Who's looking out for your health and wellness?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Start Walking Today!

Heart disease is this country's No.1 killer. But by exercising for as little as 30 minutes each day you can reduce your risk. That's what the American Heart Association's start walking movement is all about:
Walk more. Eat better. Live a longer, healthier life.
Countless people across the country are jumping on board. Join them. Get walking and start taking a more active role in your health!
Register today and commit to walking:

Who's looking out for your health & wellness?

Theo Tilton NASM CPT