Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ring of Pain

Workout posted for 04/21/11
Formation of a large ring of cones. 
About 20 ft diameter. 
At least 6-8 cones.
Partner/team up with a workout buddy and position yourself at one of the cones in the large ring.
Teams will perform the first exercise from this list below for ten reps then after the team completes the ten reps they will split off and run in opposite directions around the ring of cones until they meet up with each other.  Once they meet up with each other they will perform the same exercise for nine reps and repeat the same process or running in opposite directions until meeting up again around the ring and performing 8 reps… this continues back and forth around the ring until they get down to 1 rep.  The team that gets to 1 rep first stops the exercise.  Then there is a 1 minute break for water and catching breath.  This entire process repeats until the list of exercises is complete or time runs out at 25 minutes.  Remember the team that makes it down to one rep first ends that exercise for all teams.   Now you know why it is called the “Ring of Pain!”
The exercises:
1.      Lying Leg Lifts
2.      Full Sit-up Reaches
3.      Squat Jumps
4.      Body Builders
5.      Calf Hops
6.      Spiderman Push-ups
Thank you,
Theo Tilton
“Your most valuable tool in becoming who you really are and who you want to be, can never be lost… It is always available to you, all of the time.” – Theo Tilton 2010

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