Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Vote For Us as Best Gym in NJ!

Hi there-

Ok so Ripped & Sexy Bootcamp is not exactly a gym in the traditional sense, but bootcamp is like the little guy competing against the big box gyms out there.

If you believe in what we do at R.S.B.C and have seen the results we have helped people with, then I ask that you help us out by voting.

If you know someone who did/does camp and you hear how much they enjoy camp, vote for us.

If you believe in a small business beating out the big guys then vote for us.

It is easy as a click and writing a brief sentence why you love R.S.B.C.
Just go here:

I ask that after you vote, you pass the information onto people you know and ask them to vote for us too.

I appreciate your support and hope you can spare a few seconds to fill out the form and put "Ripped & Sexy Bootcamp" in the best Gyms section.

Always grateful!

Theo Tilton
Ripped & Sexy Boot Camp

Monday, November 14, 2011

Lewis Morris Park Hunting Schedule 2011/12

Please be aware of the Hunting Schedule for Lewis Morris Park before scheduling your outdoor fitness activities on the trails of Lewis Morris this fall & winter season 2011/12.

The following is a list of dates designated by the Morris County Parks Commission as described on park information boards.

2011/12 Schedule
  • November: 11/30/11
  • December: 12/7/11, 12/14/11
  • January: 1/11/12,1/18/12,1/25/12
  • February: 2/1/12, 2/8/12

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Are you worried about your eating plan this winter?

Are you stuck wondering how you are going to keep your nutritional plan in check this winter?
Several years ago I signed up with Prograde and it is basically one of the only supplement programs that I feel is top notch in the industry.

If you are worried about how your eating plan in the winter months may screw up everything you achieved over the Spring, Summer and Fall then look no further.  The Platinum Package by Prograde will keep you in the proper mindset and avoid gaining the pounds this winter.

If you are interested in what Prograde has to offer, go to my Prograde store by clicking the picture below.

Have a wonderful healthy holiday season!
Theo Tilton NSM-CPT

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I am deeply grateful for all that you have done!

R.S.B.C 2011 Season has come to a close and I wanted to let you know how deeply grateful I am for everyones participation in R.S.B.C.

Not only did we record tremendous results from all participants in bootcamp this season but we also managed to raise more than $500.00 for local charitable organizations and giving back to our community.

For this I am deeply grateful.  Thank you to everyone.  I look forward to our next season.

During the break I will be gearing up to provide an exciting new season of R.S.B.C in 2012.

Theo Tilton

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Syncronized Formation Workout

Let's get SYNC'd!

Today W.O.D for 10/06/11

Form single file rows and columns
3 rows of 3 or 4 rows of 3 are good.

Perform exercises on command for 2 minutes with a 30 second break

Instructor will call out positions and direction and or exercises.
This is kind of like a workout version of Simon-Says!

Forward = Run Forward
Back = Run Backward
Left = Karaoke Left
Right = Karaoke Right
Up =  Jump up
Down = Drop down to drown and then get back up

Instructor may also call out an exercise with a rep number.
Clients must perform the exercise for the specified number of reps and get back into formation.

The idea is to keep the formation unified and even otherwise more dreadful exercise will be added on the spot.


Healthy Mind = Healthy Body

Theo Tilton NASM CPT

Monday, October 3, 2011

Spiders, Bears and Crabs oh my!

W.O.D. 10/03/2011

Create teams of mixed fitness levels.

Teams will perform the following exercises between a set of two cones.
And will repeat the exercises until the first team completes all exercises within the round for 3-4 rounds.

Cones will be set up 25-30 yards apart.
An easier distance of 15-20 yards will be set up for harder exercises like the spider man climbers.
Perform each exercise between the cones in a straight line starting at the closest cone and completing the exercise until you reach one of the further cones.  Once completed, run back to starting position where everyone on team is performing a standard cardio movement like: jumping jacks, or jog in place.

Exercise to be performed are*:
  1. Spider man climbers(with push-up advanced)
  2. Bear Crawl
  3. Crab Walk
  4. Inchworms
  5. Leap Frogs
*Repeat 3-4 times

Yours in good health,
Theo Tilton NASM CPT

Friday, September 30, 2011

What do you need?

I am so grateful and thankful for all that I have, and it is a pleasure to be able to serve you with the best, highest quality mind, body, spirit information available.

I'm looking to expand and create a new information product for you.
To do this...I am on a mission to better understand what you need.
  • Are you looking for more fitness information, what kind of info are you looking for?
  • Do you want an at home workout program?
  • Are you really interested in understanding nutrition more?
  • Maybe you want to know how meditation can improve your success in weight loss or body sculpting?
  • Learn how to turn off the CANT's (Constant. Automatic. Negative. Thoughts.) in your head.
  • Are you looking to have a complete life transformation program (mind, body & spirit)?
These are just ideas.  But the important thing is that I get feed back from you.

As a fitness professional, coach, & trainer I am totally interested in you and what things you are looking for and need.

Maybe you just want to know :
  • The fastest way to lose 10 pounds or
  • Learn 5 tools to succeed in transforming your life.
Understanding what information you need and want by communicating directly with you is the best way for me to get a better idea on how to serve you in the best way.

I look forward to reading your comments.
Please give me as much information as possible.
Be creative!

Always remember.
a Healthy Mind = a Healthy Body!


Parcourse loop in the rain!

Last night was awesome.
We all survived the parcourse in the rain!

Exercises performed were:
  • 3/4 mile trail running
  • 1/8 mile trail stair decending
  • 10 Vault hops
  • 20 Bench Push-ups
  • 2 minutes of bench planks
  • 2 sets of 10 pull-ups
  • 20 Single leg, step ups
  • 2 sets of 20 Tricep dips
  • 20 Jumping jacks

Congrats everyone, you did great!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


W.O.D. 09/28/2011

It is wet out side but we are still on for tonight.

  1. Partner up with workout buddy.
  2. Select who goes first for cardio, the remaining partner does the exercise portion of workout.
  3. Swap after buddy is completed with all reps after all exercises!

Repeat 4-5 times or until time is called at 25 minutes.

  • 5 Push-up foot-pokers ea. leg
  • 5 One leg seated squat to bench ea. leg
  • 5 One leg balance lunge with one foot on bench ea. leg
  • 5 Decline down dog / up dog with feet on bench
  • 5 Alternating knee ups
Repeat 5 times or until time is called

Cardio Options:
  • Step ups
  • Jumping jacks
  • Mt climbers
  • Cross countries
  • Jog in place with high knees



Thursday, September 15, 2011

Last chance to lose 15 pounds before Halloween!

Bootcamp Last Session of the Season!

First things first – the only way to begin your Ripped & Sexy Bootcamp classes is by attending our Body Basics class.

If you are a returning client click here: http://rippedandsexybootcamp.blogspot.com/p/enroll.html
Otherwise, if you are a new client continue to read below and if interested in enrolling click the links below for the getting started page, body basics.
Body Basics class is a one-time only session that offers smooth transition into our regular Ripped & Sexy Bootcamp classes, where the concentration becomes more refinement of technique and development of athletic capacities.
Upon completion of a day in Body Basics, you will be able to attend the next Ripped & Sexy Bootcamp class, and participate as a trainee in the Ripped & Sexy Bootcamp program for 12 sessions as part of your enrollment in the Body Basics class.  At the end of the trainee program you will be asked to join Ripped & Sexy Bootcamp and continue on the program at your initial program rate of $99/month until the season ends in September/October.
The cost for enrolling & registering into Body Basics is $99.00

YES! I’m coming to the last Body Basics Orientation. I’m ready to Lose Weight, Gain Strength, Get a Smaller Waistline, and Build Lean Muscle in a Month While Having Fun At the Same Time.

Plus I’m fully protected by your money back – no questions asked guarantee. If I’m not 100% satisfied within the the first week, I can call 973-768-3625 or email TLTMindBody@gmail.com and get a 100% refund.

The next Body Basics Orientation class is on

Saturday, Sept 17th, 2011  Lewis Morris Park – Doe Meadow Area
10 a.m.

Monday, August 29, 2011



Monday, August 22, 2011

Ten for Ten

W.O.D. 08/22/2011

Ten for Ten

10 Reps of each exercise, for the following 10 exercises:
  1. Jump Jacks Twist 10 ea side
  2. Mt Climbers 10 ea side
  3. Side Lunges 10 ea side
  4. Uneven Hand Push-ups 10 ea side
  5. 1/2 Burpees
  6. Full Sit ups
  7. Jack Squats Twist 10 ea side
  8. Leg Lifts
  9. Full Get Ups
  10. Groiner to Worrior pose 10 ea side
Rest 2 minutes
Repeat 3 x for time

Healthy mind, healthy body,
Theo Tilton

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

W.O.D 08/17/2011

Crunchles Abs 30/30's

Warm-up & Stretch 5 min

30 seconds on, 30 seconds recovery
2 rounds
  1. Planks
  2. Plank hold with forward and backward hand taps
  3. Plank hold with side to side hand taps or shoulder taps
  4. Chasing rabbits
  5. Spiderman Push ups
  6. Forear plank to pillar plank
  7. Groiners
  8. Reverse plank hold
Repeat for 2 rounds

Warm down

1.2.3 Ripped & Sexy!

Submit your favorite charity to be part of our next monthly donation

At R.S.B.C we donate 10% of all monthy fees to a local charity that has been selected by R.S.B.C clients.
To see where we have donated in the past go to the community tab.

Where do you want the money to go?
Let me know by responding to this blog entry.

The next Body Basics class

Saturday, Sept 17th, 2011  Lewis Morris Park – Doe Meadow Area

10 a.m.

NOTE: After completing the day of basics class, you will continue in the next Ripped & Sexy program beginning the next month.
Please make sure to fill out the forms HERE after paying for the Body Basics class and bring them with you to the Body Basics class completed and ready to go.

W.O.D. 08/15/2011

TRX & Cardio Circuit.

Warm-up, stretch, 5 minutes
Perform the follwoing exercise as many times as you can using 60/60 format.
60 seconds TRX
60 Seconds Cardio
Repeat for 5 Exercises and end with 1 minute break.

TRX & Cardio Circuit.
  • 1min TRX - Low Row
  • 1min      Bench - Step-ups
  • 1min TRX - Tackle Squat Press
  • 1min      Jumping Jacks
  • 1min TRX - Front Shoulder Raise
  • 1min      Cross Countries
  • 1min TRX - Altenating Lunge Press
  • 1min      Boxer Shuffle/ line hop    
  • 1min TRX - Chest Flys
  • 1min BREAK
REPEAT 2-3x for up to 20 - 30 minuts

Warm - down

1.2.3..Ripped & Sexy!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Failure is Good!

W.O.D. 08/10/11

Today's workout is lesson on failure!

We are going to keep it simple
  • Negative Push-ups to failure
  • TRX Low rows to failure
  • Plank to failure
  • Wide Squats to failure
  • Superman's to failure
  • Full Crunch to failure
2 minute recovery and repeat as many times as you can in 28 minutes

Are you sick and tired?

 Are you sick and tired of:

-    working your butt off, but not getting enough fat loss?

-    exercise taking up so much of your valuable and limited time?

-    Eating boring, unsatisfying “diet foods” too often?

-    Feeling hungry too often?

    Now, thanks to this amazing all-natural discovery,  you can STOP STRUGGLING so hard to lose weight … and get even better results!

Monday, August 8, 2011

W.O.D 08/08/11

Fit Deck for Life!
bootcampers will perform 10 reps for each exercise in a pyramid routine as explained below:

Warm-up 5 minutes

5 exercises will be selected by random boot campers using Fit Deck.

Set 1-1 exercise 1, 10 reps
30 sec recovery

Set 2-1 exercise 1, 10 reps
Set 2-2 exercise 2, 10 reps
30 sec recovery

Set 3-1 exercise 1, 10 reps
Set 3-2 exercise 2, 10 reps
Set 3-3 exercise 3, 10 reps
30 sec recovery

Set 4-1 exercise 1, 10 reps
Set 4-2 exercise 2, 10 reps
Set 4-3 exercise 3, 10 reps
Set 4-4 exercise 4, 10 reps
30 sec recovery

Set 5-1 exercise 1, 10 reps
Set 5-2 exercise 2, 10 reps
Set 5-3 exercise 3, 10 reps
Set 5-4 exercise 4, 10 reps
Set 5-5 exercise 5, 10 reps
30 sec recovery

Set 6-1 exercise 5, 10 reps
Set 6-2 exercise 4, 10 reps
Set 6-3 exercise 3, 10 reps
Set 6-4 exercise 2, 10 reps
Set 6-5 exercise 1, 10 reps
30 sec recovery

Set 7-1 exercise 5, 10 reps
Set 7-2 exercise 4, 10 reps
Set 7-3 exercise 3, 10 reps
Set 7-4 exercise 2, 10 reps
30 sec recovery

Set 8-1 exercise 5, 10 reps
Set 8-2 exercise 4, 10 reps
Set 8-3 exercise 3, 10 reps
30 sec recovery

Set 9-1 exercise 5, 10 reps
Set 9-2 exercise 4, 10 reps
30 sec recovery

Set 10-1 exercise 5, 10 reps
30 sec recovery

Stretching Cool down

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bench it Baby! W.O.D. 08/03/11

Bench it Baby is a unique workout that you can do anywhere there is a park bench or picnic table with a bench seat.

Using a solid bench that is secure perform the following workout with a workout partner.

This partner workout is performed using a ladder style performance model.

What's a ladder style performance model?
Campers partner up with someone of relatively equal fitness level. Each
partner will take turns doing reps, starting with one rep, and continuing until both
partners have completed 9 consecutive reps.

We end this one two ways:
have the first team that finishes says “ding, ding, ding” and the ladder stops or
say you need two teams to ding to stop .

  • Bench Step Ups, 
  • Seated Bench Knee Ups,
  • Prisoner Jump Squats,
  • Bench Push-ups,
  • Bench 1/2 Burpees.
Partner A – Performs 1 rep
Partner B – Performs 1 rep
Partner A – Performs 2 consecutive reps
Partner B – Performs 2 Consecutive reps
Partner A – Performs 3 Consecutive reps
Partner B – Performs 3 Consecutive reps
Partner A – Performs 4 Consecutive reps
Partner B – Performs 4 Consecutive reps
Partner A – Performs 5 Consecutive reps
Partner B – Performs 5 Consecutive reps
Partner A – Performs 6 Consecutive reps
Partner B – Performs 6 Consecutive reps
Partner A – Performs 7 Consecutive reps
Partner B – Performs 7 Consecutive reps
Partner A – Performs 8 Consecutive reps
Partner B – Performs 8 Consecutive reps
Partner A – Performs 9 Consecutive reps
Partner B – Performs 9 Consecutive reps

Monday, August 1, 2011

August Bootcamp Begins Tonight!

Ripped & Sexy Bootcamp Welcomes NEW bootcampers to our August bootcamp!
See you tonight for some sweat & fun in the sun at LMP near Morristown.

If you missed the August Enrollment, you can pre-enroll in the September  Bootcamp by going to the Getting started page...

For August: (08/01 - 08/25)
  • Class starts at 6:30
  • 45 minutes
  • Classes run M,W,Th
  • Meet at DoeMeadow in LMP

If you missed the August Enrollment, you can pre-enroll in the September  Bootcamp by going to the Getting started page...

Thursday, July 28, 2011

What team has more balls?

W.O.D. 07/27/2011

There are 100 mini plastic balls all marked with an exercise or an instruction written on them.
The balls are in a big blue bad.

Before we begin, a camper picks a rep number for the workout that
will apply to all balls for the entire workout!
The bag is a distance away from the starting line.

“One-at-a-time” Partners/Teams - - We will divide the group into teams or
·         Have one team member at a time travel out to the bucket as quickly as possible, grab a
ball and travel back to their team. 
·         While this person is traveling out and back, everyone else on the team must hold a plank.
·         When the runner returns, he/she tells the team what the exercise is and they all perform it together/at the same
time, before putting the ball into their team/partnership pile/bag.
·         When the team finishes each exercise, a new team member travels out to get a ball while the rest
of the team holds a plank again.
·         Play continues until all the balls are gone or time is up at 25 minutes.
·         The team with the most balls wins!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

07/26/2011 Tabatas W.O.D.

Warm-up 5-10 minutes
·         30 seconds of push-ups
·         30 seconds of squats
·         30 second of lunge twists left
·         30 second of lunge twists right
·         30 seconds of marching toe taps

W.O.D. 20/10 tabatas
8 rounds ea. exercise
20 sec work, 10 sec recovery
1 minute break between each exercise

·         Suicide Tap Down
·         Plank Jacks
·         Power Jacks
·         Body Saw Plank
·         Sea Turtles

5 min Light jog cool down.
5 min Stretch and complete

Friday, July 15, 2011

Results are in…

You guys did awesome!
 I am sooo proud of you.
1120    27:48.7 3998 KATY BARNICLE            RIPPED AND SEXY BOOT    F     08:58                  233/1715
1127    27:50.7 4002 CLAUDINE PRIOLA          RIPPED AND SEXY BOOT    F     08:58                  235/1715                
1881    32:05.0 3999 KELLY DEPCIK             RIPPED AND SEXY BOOT    F     10:20                  586/1715                
2032    33:11.0 4001 TARYN ORAMA              RIPPED AND SEXY BOOT    F     10:42                  665/1715                
2199    34:28.9 5036 EILEEN TOFIELD           RIPPED AND SEXY BOOT    F     11:07                  750/1715                
2304    35:22.7 4003 JACLYN SPEDALIERE        RIPPED AND SEXY BOOT    F     11:24                  806/1715                
2308    35:23.8 4004 THEO TILTON              RIPPED AND SEXY BOOT    M     11:24                  1501/2012
2892    43:20.8 4000 PAULINE DREWERY          RIPPED AND SEXY BOOT    F     13:58                  1160/1715

Healthy Mind = Healthy Body,
Theo Tilton

Monday, July 11, 2011

Core Galore!

In this exciting Core workout you will have a ring of cones, approximately 1 per bootcamper.
The basic idea is that everyone will hold a plank position until every client completes an exercise at the center of the ring.  The exercises will be performed in a pyramid style starting with 1 rep, then on the second round, 2 reps, 3rd round 3 reps, continuing til 8 reps on round 8.  Then we will start over again with a different exercise starting at round 1 and proceed to round 8 again.

This curcuit will be performed for the following 5 body basics exercises:
  1. Squats - knee lift jumps
  2. Push up
  3. Lunge Twist
  4. Wide Squats
  5. Inchworm crawler
Perform 8 rounds of each exercise for every client. or until time runs out at 28 minutes1

You might be wondering why this is called CORE GALORE...
Did you get the part about holding a plank during everyones reps. you only get a break when it is your turn to do reps.  No worries we wo'nt be doing the same plank position the whole time.
We will switch it up to side planks and reverse planks as well..
Your gonna love it!

Remember it's hot out so drink plenty of water.


Friday, July 8, 2011

5K Practice Run This Saturday 07/09/11

Bootcamp will be meeting on "The Green" in the center of Morristown, Sat, Jul 9th at 10 a.m.
Start time will be 10:15 sharp.
If you are not on the green before 10:15 and with the group we will leave without you.

We will be doing the 5K Practice Run/Walk.
MAP preview

Drink pleanty of water tonight and the morning of.
Eat breakfast no less than 2 hrs prior.

Remember we will not be able to leave anything behind so anything you bring with you will need to be carried during the run/walk.  example: car keys, water.

It is advisable to bring water with you to stay hydrated during the run.
During the actual race there will be water stations set up so you will not need to worry about this part.

I will print maps for everyone just in case anyone starts to get lost on the course.

Our team theme for the 5K is "I can do it, so can you!"

today is the last day to register if you want to participate in the 5K

July 14, 2011, 7:30PM
Headquarters Plaza Pioneer Park
Speedwell Ave., Morristown, NJ
I have created a team “Ripped and Sexy Bootcamp.”

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

First day of July Bootcamp - Bring a friend day!

Today is bring a friend day!


It is HOT out... So, DRINK plenty of water, cause we are going to have some military style workout fun today!!!

Up, Down, Left, Right, Forward, and Back
and more...

We will be doing some of the classics today:

  • Squat Thrusts
  • Multi-Planar Lunges
  • Sprinting
  • Crawling
  • Jump Jack Squats

Don't worry. I will have water if you did not bring enough..

See you soon!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tabatas 30/10

W.O.D. 06/29/11

  • Warm-up Jog/Run 1 mile

  • Tabatas 30/10
30 seconds of work 10 seconds of recovery.
Repeat one exercise for as many reps as possible in the work period. 
This will be performed 8 times for each exercise for the following 5 exercise:
  1. Tick Tock Hop Planks
  2. 1/2 Burpees
  3. Down Dog Shoulder Press
  4. Bugg Squashers
  5. Jumping Jack Push-ups
Warm-down & stretching

Monday, June 27, 2011

Walk-it, Jump-it, Run-it, Crawl-it, Pump-it, Press-it!

W.O.D. 06/27/2011

For a distance of 25-35 meters set up by cones on an inclined grassy area.
Perform the a set of exercise routines between the cones after a 5 minute warm up of jogging and stretching:

Walk-it, Jump-it, Run-it, Crawl-it, Pump-it, Press-it! routine rounds:
  • Walk-it, nuff said (this is your rest time)
  • Jump-it, leap frog
  • Run-it sprint back and forth between the cones
  • Crawl-it with crab walks
  • Pump-it  with alternating crooked squats
  • Press-it! with spiderman hold push-ups
Perform as many rounds as you can in 28 minutes
Warm down for 5-10 minutes


Thursday, June 23, 2011

2 miles and a HIIT to the Legs

Today's class if the weather holds up will be a

1-mile-run  warm-up and dynamic-stretching routine.(8-12 minutes)

2-rounds of HIIT circuit of the following 5-exercises.(20 min to complete!)
  1. 10 Prisoner Squats
  2. 10 Step-Back Lunges - ea leg
  3. 10 Bench Step-up/Knee Ups - ea leg
  4. 10 Lateral Standing Leg Lifts - ea leg
  5. 10 Cross-Over Lunges - ea leg
2 minutes break then repeat!

1-mile-run  warm-down and static-stretching routine. (8-12 minutes)

This is in preparation for the 5K run/walk in July

July 14, 2011, 7:30PM
Headquarters Plaza Pioneer Park
Speedwell Ave., Morristown, NJ
I have created a team “Ripped and Sexy Bootcamp.”
To register click here and select :
Company Team - Individual Pay   $27.00

Monday, June 20, 2011

Flexibility & Cardiovascular Endurance

Dynamic Stretching Routine (Flexibility):
At home do this flexibility routine at least one day per week in addition to bootcamp to increase your range and flexibility.  Repeat this routine for 3 rounds or up to 20 minutes.  For additional workouts go to: http://www.rippedandsexybootcamp.blogspot.com/
1.       10 Boot-Strappers
2.       10 Toe Touch Jumps
3.      10 Reaching Side Bends (10 right/10 left)
4.      10 Cross-over Toe Touches (10 right/10 left) aka Windmills
5.      10 Calf Hops
6.      10 High Knee Tuck Holds (3 sec. ea. side, 10 right/10 left)
7.      10 High-Kick Toes Taps  (10 right/10 left)
8.      10 Trunk Twists
9.      10 Shoulder rotations (10 forward/10 backward)
10.   10 “Down-Dog” to “Up-Dog”

HIIT Cardio Routine (Cardiovascular Endurance):
If you want to see better results from bootcamp.  Perform the following cardio routine at home at least two days per week, during off days from class, or if you miss a class.  Repeat this routine for 4 rounds. Total 20 minutes of Work. A stopwatch will make this routine easier to stay on time.  Remember to drink water when necessary.  Also stop if you are not feeling well.  For additional workouts go to: http://www.rippedandsexybootcamp.blogspot.com/
1.       30 seconds - Jumping Jacks
30 second - Active Recovery (example jog in place or side step)
2.       30 seconds - Fast Squat
30 second - Active Recovery (example jog in place or side step)
3.      30 seconds - High knee Running in Place
30 second - Active Recovery (example jog in place or side step)
4.      30 seconds – Mt. Climbers
30 second - Active Recovery (example jog in place or side step)
5.      30 seconds – Burpees
30 second Full-Recovery (relax and breathe deeply, slowly to recover, drink water)

Have you ever considered running a 5K?

Have you ever considered running a 5K? The benefits may surprise you.

A 5K race is 3.1 miles, the perfect distance for beginning runners. It's a realistic, attainable goal that's fun and satisfying to achieve.

Here are 5 rewards you will reap:

1) Tone Your Legs: Runners have awesome legs. Muscular, toned and tan. Training for a 5K will get you on pace for your own set of lean limbs.

  • Calves: Not the easiest muscle to tone in the gym, but these lanky muscles are quickly toned by running. A proper runner's stride has your foot landing in a rolling motion, heel to toe. As you push off with your toe, feel a firm contraction in your calves. Push your calves to the limit by running in sand or gravel. No Thumping! You know your stride is stiff when you hear a thumping sound with each step. When you lightly roll your foot from heel to toe, you take pressure off of your lower back. Remember, thumping feet lead to a sore back.
  • Glutes: Running is a great way to firm up your glutes. To really raise your glutes take your training to the hills or do bleacher runs.
  • Thighs: Who doesn't want slimmer thighs? Running does wonders for shaping and slimming your thighs, right where it counts.
2) Support A Cause

By participating in a 5K you get in shape while supporting a cause. Most 5K races are put on by charities or non-profit organizations. Many times you have the opportunity to raise funds and community awareness through your involvement.

3) Flatten Your Abs

Running burns a massive amount of calories. This means you'll find your body quickly morphing into that of a lean athlete. Don't over-compensate the extra calories burned by eating too many carbs. Manage your portions to reap the most belly shrinking benefits.

While running is an amazing way to transform your body, running alone won't deliver complete results. Resistance training is an equally important part of the equation. With resistance training you get:

  • Raised Metabolism: Resistance training raises your metabolism for an extended period of time, even after the workout is finished. This means more calories burned. Also resistance training adds muscle to your body, which raises your resting metabolism to burn even more calories when you aren't exercising.
  • Upper Body Muscle Tone: While running is great for adding lower body muscle tone, it won't do much for your upper body. With resistance training you target the muscles of your upper body to create a symmetric physique.
  • Muscle Confusion: With resistance training there are endless variations of movements you can do in order to keep your muscles guessing. Never allow your routine to grow stale by doing the same motions over and over again.
4) Make New Friends

Athletic endeavors are a relaxed way to make new friends and form connections within your community. Join a local running group to assist your training or start your own group of 5K hopefuls in your neighborhood. Your group could run the 5K together for support. Who knows, you may make new friends for life.

5) Start A Habit

Although you may find it hard to believe, especially if you haven't yet run your first 5K, racing is addicting. The satisfaction of accomplishing your goal, along with the exciting changes in your body, will likely lead you to another race. It's not farfetched that you'll build your training up to run a marathon.

Running is great, but as we touched on above, resistance training is essential for achieving outstanding results. The best way to get into amazing shape is with a challenging and dynamic exercise routine.

Call or email today to get started on your own exercise program that will lead to more rewards than you ever dreamed of.

5K Success
Here are 3 tips to ensure that your 5K goes great.
  1. Consult your Doctor. You should always check with your doctor before beginning a new exercise routine, and training for a 5K is no exception. Once your doctor gives you the green light then jump in with your training.
  2. Train Smart. Gradually increase your mileage over a few weeks or months. Start by running for 10 to 15 minutes and then slowly increase to a full 5K.
Stay Hydrated. It's always important to keep your body properly hydrated, especially when your activity level has increased. Drink water before and after reach run, and throughout your day.

Healthy Mind = Healthy Body,
Theo Tilton

“Your most valuable tool in becoming who you really are and who you want to be, can never be lost… It is always available to you, all of the time.” – Theo Tilton 2010

WHO’s GOT MORE BALLS W.O.D. Reinvented!!!

W.O.D. 06/16/2011

We had so much fun with this workout last Thursday but it needed to be tuned up a little. 

So I have reinvented this awesome workout to be even better!

This workout can be done with 2 people or with 30 or more.
It can be done as a competition, or not. There are loads of variations, but let me explain the basics first.

As before, there are 100 mini plastic balls all marked with an exercise or an instruction written on them.
The balls are in a big bad.

Before we begin, a camper picks a rep number for the workout that
will apply to all balls for the entire workout!
The bag is a distance away from the starting line.

“One-at-a-time” Partners/Teams - - We will divide the group into teams or
·         Have one team member at a time travel out to the bucket as quickly as possible, grab a
ball and travel back to their team. 
·         While this person is traveling out and back, everyone else on the team must hold a plank.
·         When the runner returns, he/she tells the team what the exercise is and they all perform it together/at the same
time, before putting the ball into their team/partnership pile/bag.
·         When the team finishes each exercise, a new team member travels out to get a ball while the rest
of the team holds a plank again.
·         Play continues until all the balls are gone.
·         The team with the most balls wins.

This will invite a whole new way to think about fitness in to your mind.