Monday, June 20, 2011

WHO’s GOT MORE BALLS W.O.D. Reinvented!!!

W.O.D. 06/16/2011

We had so much fun with this workout last Thursday but it needed to be tuned up a little. 

So I have reinvented this awesome workout to be even better!

This workout can be done with 2 people or with 30 or more.
It can be done as a competition, or not. There are loads of variations, but let me explain the basics first.

As before, there are 100 mini plastic balls all marked with an exercise or an instruction written on them.
The balls are in a big bad.

Before we begin, a camper picks a rep number for the workout that
will apply to all balls for the entire workout!
The bag is a distance away from the starting line.

“One-at-a-time” Partners/Teams - - We will divide the group into teams or
·         Have one team member at a time travel out to the bucket as quickly as possible, grab a
ball and travel back to their team. 
·         While this person is traveling out and back, everyone else on the team must hold a plank.
·         When the runner returns, he/she tells the team what the exercise is and they all perform it together/at the same
time, before putting the ball into their team/partnership pile/bag.
·         When the team finishes each exercise, a new team member travels out to get a ball while the rest
of the team holds a plank again.
·         Play continues until all the balls are gone.
·         The team with the most balls wins.

This will invite a whole new way to think about fitness in to your mind.

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