Wednesday, May 30, 2012

W.O.D. 05/30/2012: 400

400 Workout becomes the 600 workout!

CONGRATS Bootcampers, you far exceeded my expectations yesterday. We did three(3) rounds for a total of 600 reps! WOW, that awesome! 

Here is what we set out to do...
Perform 10 reps of each core exercise for 2 rounds.

·         Prisoner Bends
·         Side bends
·         Simple crunch
·         Full sit ups
·         Oblique crunches
·         Leg lifts
·         Scissor kicks
·         Superman
·         Swimmers
·         Planks
·         Pillars
·         Reverse Table Planks
·         Plank with one foot
·         Hand Taps front/back
·         Elbow Taps side to side
·         Pillar to Plank
·         Reach Thru
·         Inch Worm Walk
·         Spider Planks
·         Plank Jacks

Repeat 2x for a total of 400 CD reps.

Instead we totally busted it out and accomplished 3 rounds of these 20 exercises for a total of 600 Reps!

Who is looking out for your health & wellness?

Theo Tilton NASM CPT

Founder & Principal Bootcamp Coach
Ripped&Sexy Bootcamp® - TLT Mind&Body LLC
·         Rate us on Yelp!
·         Friend us and Like us on FBOOK

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

W.O.D. 05/29/12 - My Powerful Legs II

W.O.D. 05/29/12 - My Powerful Legs II


Cones are set up in parking lot at varying distances that greater and greater between the next cone from the previous.


Example: Where “^” is a cone and “-“ is a 5’ distance measure

S   ^---^----^-----^------^

T    1    2      3        4         E

A                                       N

R                                       D

T   ^---^----^-----^------^



·         Rabbit Hop/Calf Hop

·         Squat Jacks

·         Clock Lunges

·         Run 1/3 mile around track


My Powerful Legs II:

Perform the following suicide circuit routine.


Starting at the start-line, run to cone#1, then back to Start, then run to cone#2, then back to #1, then to cone#3,

then back to #2, then to #4, then to #3, keep doing this pattern until you reach the end line and return to start line.

Repeat this round 3 times.


After 3 rounds are complete:


Perform the same routine using exercises at each cone.

·         Plyo Lunge Hops – 1 round

·         Squat Jumps – 1 round

·         ½ Squat Thrusts – 1 round

·         Groiners – 1 round

·         Water break – 2 min

·         Repeat again 3 x


As a cool-down, repeat warm-up, Starting at the start-line, run to cone#1, then back to Start, then run to cone#2, then back to #1, then to cone#3,

then back to #2, then to #4, then to #3, keep doing this pattern until you reach the end line and return to start line.

Repeat this round 3 times.


Stretch with yoga pose:

·         Sun Salute

·         Down Dog Up Dog

·         Warrior

·         Triangle

·         Sun Salute


Have an awesome workout!



Who is looking out for your health & wellness?


Theo Tilton NASM CPT


Founder & Principal Bootcamp Coach

Ripped&Sexy Bootcamp® - TLT Mind&Body LLC


Rate us on Yelp!

Visit Our Online Fitness Magazine

Follow us on Twitter @ NJBootcampers

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Memorial Day Workout challenge 05/28/12

5 Rounds of 28 Reps of each exercise.

·       Jumping Jacks

·       Squats

·       Narrow Push-ups

·       Down-Dog/Up-Dogs

·       Crunches

Repeat 5x & Try to complete the 5 rounds in 12 minutes.


You can do it!


Who’s looking out for ya?



Join the 98-Day Challenge & Have a Great Memorial Day Weekend

Monday, May 28th – Monday, Sep 3rd

14 Weeks : 98 Days

The 8-C Challenge

Are you ready to take on the Facebook/Twitter R.S.B.C. personal challenge from Memorial day to Labor day?

I am challenging YOU to eliminate cookies, chips, chocolate, cake, cola (soda), candy, caffeine, & cigarettes from your diet for ONLY 14 weeks!

BONUS: give up the 9th “C” complaining!

Make a commitment, make it public, post it to facebook, & twitter.

Let-us know you are in! by posting “I am doing the #8C-Challenge @NJBootcampers & #RSBC”


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

@ Home W.O.D. 05/23/12

60% chance Thunderstorms are approaching our area with lightning and thunder.

In case we have a cancellation for major rainout, I have designed this at home chair workout routine that you can perform with a standard folding or wooden flat chair.


Before performing this workout, read thru the entire routine to make sure you understand each part completely.


Perform a 5 minute warm-up routine.

Walk up and down a flight of steps in your house for 5 minutes straight.

Any steps will work, basement steps, first floor to second floor steps, deck steps, porch steps, any steps…

Use a kitchen timer and set it to 5 min.

Perform warm-up until timer rings.

If you do not have steps you can perform jogging in place or walking on treadmill or use any piece of cardio equipment in your home if you have it!



The simple @ Home Chair W.O.D.

Get a standard kitchen or dining room chair, a folding chair will also work.


·         50 reps of Sit down/ get ups – “fully seated chair squats” – Feet shoulder width apart, tighten your core, Squat in front of a chair until fully seated in the chair.
Once in fully seated position, leg press yourself out of the chair to the original standing position without using your hands or anything else but your legs to give you assistance.

·         50 reps of “Triceps Chair Dips” – Place your hands on the edge of the solid flat part of the chair on the front edge. Place your feet out in front of you feet flat on ground with knees at 90 degrees.
Bend your elbow, dropping your buttocks down to the floor, do not touch the floor with your butt, rather hover over the ground a few inches and hold for 1 second, then press and extend the elbow back to nearly straight raising the butt away from the floor and hold at top position for 1 second, repeat motion to perform designated amount of reps.

·         50 reps ea leg, Calf extensions- Using the back of the chair for support, place your hand(s) on the back side of chair while standing behind the chair. Starting with one foot, lift your heel off the ground raising it approximately 3-5 inches while balancing your bodyweight on the front part of your foot on the ground hinging on the toes.  During this movement, the opposite foot should be lifted slightly so it does not touch the ground.

·         50 reps, Narrow Chair Push-ups -, like normal push-up, except using the chair to place your hands.  You can use a modification by placing your knees on the ground to make this movement easier.
Please be safe with this movement as the chair may move or slide during the exercises, to mitigate this risk of movement, place the chair against a wall to eliminate the movement.


Perform 2 rounds.


Have an awesome workout!



Who is looking out for your health & wellness?


Theo Tilton NASM CPT


Founder & Principal Bootcamp Coach

Ripped&Sexy Bootcamp® - TLT Mind&Body LLC


Rate us on Yelp!

Visit Our Online Fitness Magazine

Follow us on Twitter @ NJBootcampers

Friend us and Like us on FBOOK


Monday, May 21, 2012

W.O.D. 05/21/12

Under the Rain shed,

A simple workout that can be performed anywhere you have a 5x5 space.  Even in the rain, under a rain shed.




·         Light jog in place

·         Leg swing

·         Squat hold 30 seconds

·         windmills


Perform each exercise for 15 reps then recover for 2 minutes,

Repeat routine 3-4 times for a total of 28 minutes.



Bulgarian Split Squat

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold dumbells in each hand if needed.

Place the instep of one foot on a bench. Step forward with the other foot, taking a

slightly larger than normal step.

Contract your glutes, brace your abs and keep your spine in a neutral position.

Lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground.

Keep your upper body upright and your lower back flat.

Push up to the upright position. Stay in a split-squat stance.

Perform all reps for one leg and then switch.


Diagonal Lunge

Step diagonally at a 45o angle with one leg and lower your body until your thigh is

parallel to the ground. Keep your torso upright.

Return to the top by contracting the quadriceps, groin, and hip extensors of lead leg.



Hold your hands over your head in a “Y” formation at all times.

Keep your upper back and shoulders tensed throughout the exercise.

Stand with your feet just greater than shoulder-width apart.

Start the movement at the hip joint. Push your hips backward and “sit back into a

chair”. Make your hips go back as far as possible.

Squat as deep as possible, but keep your low back tensed in a neutral position.

Don’t let your lower back become rounded.

Push with your glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps to return to the start position.


1-Legged Plank

Raise your body in a straight line and rest your bodyweight on your elbows and toes

so that your body hovers over the floor.

Keep your back straight and your hips up. Hold (brace) your abs tight. Contract them

as if someone was about to punch you in the stomach, but breath normally.

Lift one leg up at a time and extend back. Alternate sides.


Punch-Knee Combo

Stand with feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent.

Throw a jab with your weak arm.

Throw a jab with your strong arm.

Throw a knee with your weak-arm side leg.

Throw a knee with your strong-arm side leg.

Repeat and enjoy.


Cool down and stretch:

One lap around track then 6 standard yoga poses

·         Sun Salute

·         Down Dog Up Dog

·         Warrior

·         Triangle

·         Down Dog Up Dog

·         Sun Salute


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

W.O.D. 5/16/12 Hills, abs, push, pull

Great workout tonight!

2 laps around doe meadow.
Two pretty big hills.
10 Ring swings, 5 ea direction.
10 pull ups

1 large hill climb
20 Full body curl ups
20 push presses on benches

Yoga stretching

Complete in 40 min.

Great job!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

WOD 05/09/12: Pirates & Prisoners Workout!

Drink plenty of water throughout the day and at least 20-oz, 60 minutes before workout.
20-oz during workout, and at least 20-oz after workout!

Warm-up 5 min
·         Lunging Reach-over hip stretches
·         High knee walk
·         Leg swings
·         Calf hops
·         Seal jacks

Pirates & Prisoners Workout:

Perform each workout for 30 seconds followed by a 20 second break

·         30 sec Jack Planks
·         30 sec Scissor Planks
·         30 sec Prisoner Squats
·         30 sec Prisoner Back Lunges
·         30 sec Cricket Push-ups
·         2 minute break and repeat 4x

Warm-down 5 min
·         Lunging Reach-over hip stretches
·         Warrior pose
·         Triangle pose
·         DDUP
·         Sun salute

Don’t forget to have something to eat after your workout, filled with good quality ingredients.
A protein shake works very well… Here is what I use:

Who is looking out for your health & wellness?

Theo Tilton NASM CPT

Founder & Principal Bootcamp Coach
Ripped&Sexy Bootcamp® - TLT Mind&Body LLC

Monday, May 7, 2012


As seen on NJ News12

Thank you for all who participated, created, and volunteered.  It was another great event hosted and created by NJAS.  I had the wonderful pleasure of coaching & leading the warm-up for the forth year in a row at the annual NJAS Aids Walk.  I am so deeply grateful to be able to provide my time and expertise as a leading local fitness expert.  Thank you.

Also from the Morristown Patch

Here is a great pic that has been posted on the Morristown Patch.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

W.O.D. 5/3/12


Warm up:
Slalom cone running 5 minutes.

Crunchless abs W.O.D.:

Perform ea. Exercise for 30 sec followed by 10 sec break between exercises.

Pillar Plank
Front & back hand tap planks
Side to side hand tap planks
Alternating opposite Knee to elbow planks
Pillar to Pilates plank

1 minute break

Repeat 2x

Slalom cone running 5 min


Who's looking out for your health and wellness?


Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

W.O.D. 5/2/12


Perform each exercise for 60 seconds then rotate to next exercise with 20 second break.

Perform for 28 min

2 lap warm up

Side to side hurdles
Front to back hurdles
Medicine ball squat throws
Medicine ball ab twist
Knee taps
Kettlebell swings
Wide squats
Battle ropes
Repeat 2x

Warm down 1 lap
Stretching 5min

Who's looking out for your health and wellness?

Theo Tilton

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

W.O.D. 04/30/12

Crazy Animal Body Weight Workout!



·         2 laps around perimeter of Doe Meadow Area, ~ ½ mile or 5-min

·         Perform each exercise in W.O.D. Circuit for 5 reps.


W.O.D. Circuit (Timed):

·         (2 Laps) around perimeter of cones approx 1/8 mile.

·         (30 Reps) Down Dog/Up Dog's

·         (20 Reps) ½ Burpee Rollover Get-ups (a.k.a Drunk Beetles)

·         (10 Reps) Spider-Push-ups

·         (30 Meters) Monkey Walk

·         (30 Meters) Duck Walk

·         (10 Meters) Worm Walk

·         Rest 2 minutes.  Repeat

Game Time:

·         Tug-o-war – 3 minutes



·         Stretching, Mindful Breathing, Focused Relaxation – 5 Min




Kelly: 12:35

Walter: 13:40

Jen: 13:45

Gail: 15:55

Matt: 16:00

Karla: 0:00

Scott 0:00

Jenna: 0:00

Erin 0:00

John 0:00



Who is looking out for your health & wellness?


Theo Tilton

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