Thursday, July 5, 2012

25 Lessons That Will Make You Better at Attaining Your Weight Loss Goals!

Here are 25 Lessons & Tips that will make you better at attaining your weight loss goals.

They're they type of stuff that are likely worth printing out and hanging up to review again and again. Enjoy

1.Treat others the way you want to be treated.

2. Be early... on time is tolerable. Late is never acceptable.

3. Do what you say you're going to do. Try to do more. Never do less.

4. Focus on what you can control. You can control the number of times you come to class, how you eat, and what you choose to think about yourself!

5. Learn from the experiences of other - not just your own. – I lost over 100 pounds and kept it off for 20 years. Have you been listening to my tips on eating, nutrition, & exercise?

6. Live your life like most people do and you're going to settle for what most people get. Most people sit in front of the TV for more than 3 hours a day and never get up from the couch to do anything. There is a reason they call them couch potatoes.

7. 'Trying' isn't enough. It's an excuse. Either you're doing something or you're not. You are either following the RSBC program or you are not.

8. You never fail until you quit, make excuses or die. When was the last time you made an excuse?

9. If something is important to you, write it down. If you want to achieve it, put it in your calendar. I want to be 15 lbs lighter by July 29th 2012, be specific!

10. Make your goals specific and measurable. The more specific you are, the more quickly you'll be able to achieve them. Same as above with more specifics: I want to be 150 pounds, 14% body fat, 25BMI and lose 5 inches by August 30th.

11. Plan every day. Success isn't an accident. Write out tomorrow's plan the night before and review it throughout the course of the day. Tomorrow, I will eat 4 small meals and two healthy snacks, I will drink six(6) 20-oz bottles/glasses of water. I will be at bootcamp 5 minutes early and I will do an extra lap around at the end of class.

12. If you want your weight loss to be more successful, realistic, and sustainable - apply the 80/20 Principle to your nutrition program, be strict 80% of the time and cheat 20% of the time. 2 Cheat days every 10 days or 1 every 5 days

13. Discipline yourself... focus your energy, thoughts and actions on the task at hand and eliminate useless distractions. Meditate for 5 minutes daily, focus on what your body feels like when it is healthy and fit. Keep this feeling close to you all day, it will help you stay on track.

14. Schedule everything. Personal time too. Why wouldn't that be as important as an appointment with a client or a project at work?

15. Accept that there is no 'MAGIC PILL' or ‘QUICK FIX’ solution and that the only shortcuts are working smart, working hard and learning from others mistakes.

16. It's not only about you. Help others get what they want and you'll get what you want. Help others at camp succeed by calling them up and asking how they are doing? Become friends with other bootcampers, be involved with them and their success. Your success will emerge out from the same place in reciprocation from your new circle of influential friends.

17. Be nice. Genuinely care about others' success and happiness.

18. Surround yourself with successful people who have what you want. Create friends with everyone in class, they are on the same journey as you. Some of them might even have already lost 10-40 pounds on the program. If they can do it… so can you!

19. Focus on getting 1% better each day. Small improvements add up.

20. Take responsibility. If you make a mistake - own up. No excuses.

21. Change is inevitable. Embrace it.

22. Don't dwell on the past and don't live in the future. Focus on today. Stop telling yourself that you failed in the past and that it is hard for you to accomplish tangible weight loss success. You can, and you will be successful!

23. Half of success is showing up. Do the work... day after day. Don't get distracted. That's how you become better than everyone else not showing up.

24. Today is the best day to start (anything.) Procrastination is contagious. Wait until tomorrow and you may find yourself waiting until next week, next month or next year.

25. If you're waiting for circumstances to be different (or perfect) - you're in for a long wait. Stop waiting and start doing… If you haven’t joined ripped and sexy bootcamp yet, what the hell are you waiting for?

Who’s looking out for ya?


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