Monday, July 30, 2012

QnA: 07/30/12 Question #1 from Kelly D.

Kelly: Why does diet soda cause you to gain weight if it only has 0 calories?


Theo: One possible reason is that the artificial sweeteners in diet sodas create a negative hormonal response in the body that increases fat storing hormone production and increases cravings for more sweets and refined carbohydrates in the time period after consuming the diet drink.


Lately I've been reading more & more studies lately on the effects of artificial sweeteners and one thing that appears clear is that it's not a good idea to try to "fool" your body. Essentially you "fool" your body by drinking something very sweet (sweetened with artificial sweeteners), but you don't actually ingest the sugar calories your body expects. Your body has a hard time knowing how to deal with that.


With artificial sweeteners, your taste buds "sense" that you ingested something very sweet, and even though you might not have ingested sugar, your body follows with an insulin response.  As you know, higher insulin levels can increase cravings as well as triggering your body to deposit body fat.  This is not to say it's any better to drink a sugar-sweetened soda which has it’s own host of problems.


What I feel is the most common reason for weight gain in people who drink diet soda is that people may subconsciously think that because they are drinking a diet soda, that gives them more leeway to eat more of everything else, hence consuming more calories overall.

The actual cause for weight gain from diet drinks may more likely be some combination of both of those explanations above plus some more factors that have not even been studied yet.


I've said it all along to my clients and my blog followers, and I will continue to say it.  The bottom line is that if you're serious about your health and body, soda of any kind (and artificial sweeteners in anything for that matter!) should be avoided at all times, except for very rare occasions when you can't avoid them.


So you may be thinking “what is a good alternative to diet sodas?”


The best alternatives are good old water with lemon,  or possibly lime and even mint or unsweetened iced teas... teas offer plenty of options - green, white, black, oolong, red... be creative in making your iced teas and you'll enjoy it more. Plus you'll get a more diverse array of antioxidants.


Try it without any sweetener first or just add a little of the natural non-caloric sweetener stevia like I do to my iced teas and coffees, I love them. 


Please share this page with your friends and family to help them kick the diet soda habit.


Please send me questions via fbook or twitter at



Who’s looking out for your health & wellness?



Theo Tilton NASM CPT, JGSI

Founder, Principal Fitness Coach

“Morristown NJ’s Premier Outdoor 28-Minute Fat Burning Workout!”

Ripped & Sexy Bootcamp® (RSBC)-TLT Mind & Body, LLC - Morristown, NJ 07960



Get a TRIAL week of Outdoor Fitness Bootcamp:



QnA begins now!

@NJBootcampers: 20-min #training & #nutrition QnA starts now! on twitter & facebook w @theotilton. Hit me up with your questions!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

WOD 7/24/12

Battle rope workout!

We totally had fun at boot camp in the rain last night .

no thunder no lightning ...

it's great to get wet in class once in awhile !

240 mountain climbers
rope jumps , forward and backward
rope jumps, side to side
squat rope curls
squat forward raise
rope burpees
rope crunches
broke leg lifts

Awesome workout last night, good job everybody!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone

Monday, July 23, 2012

W.O.D. 07/23/12

Tonight we are under a severe Thunderstorm warning until 11p.m.


If we meet, here is the routine we will follow.




·         Three rounds 60/30’s


60 seconds of work and 30 seconds of recovery.


1.       TRX Butterflies – Chest

2.       TRX Overhand Rows – Back/Shoulders

3.       TRX 1 legged Squat low rows

4.       TRX 1 legged squat presses

5.       TRX Knee ups

60 Sec break repeat 3x


Who’s looking out for your health & wellness?





Theo Tilton NASM CPT, JGSI

Founder, Principal Fitness Coach

“Morristown NJ’s Premier Outdoor 28-Minute Fat Burning Workout!”

Ripped & Sexy Bootcamp® (RSBC)-TLT Mind & Body, LLC - Morristown, NJ 07960

w: o:1.855.946.RSBC(7722) m:973.768.3625



Get a TRIAL week of Outdoor Fitness Bootcamp:


QnA begins now!

@NJBootcampers: 20-min #training & #nutrition QnA starts now! on twitter & facebook w @theotilton. Hit me up with your questions!

Friday, July 20, 2012

In the Daily Record today!

Pauline and I were mentioned in the Daily Record today!

They misspelled my name. Hopefully that gets fixed. I sent an email to the writer regarding the misspelling. She named me a Hilton. :-)

Click below for the story!

Daily Record: 4,000 participate in Morristown event, raises money to help battered women:

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Verizon Classic 5K is Tonight!

Tonight, several members of RSBC will be participating in the Verizon Wireless Corporate Classic 5K in Morristown, NJ.


Tonight’s class will be rescheduled due to this event. I will send out communication on website and via text msg for the rescheduled class.


Also, a make-up class for last night’s thunderstorms will be held this Saturday at 9:30 am till 10:15 at Lewis Morris Park.



Thursday July 19, 2012, 7:30PM
Headquarters Plaza Pioneer Park
Speedwell Ave., Morristown, NJ




The entry limit has been reached for both Individual and for Company Team Registrations.
No additional entries will be taken. There will be no race day entries.


Continuing the great tradition of New Jersey's premier corporate fitness event in downtown Morristown.....

Individual entries are welcome, in addition to Corporate running teams

  • Morris County's largest fitness event (over 4,000 participants). Now accepting individual entries as well as Corporate running teams
  • A RACE for New Jersey's individual runners and Corporate running teams
  • A FUN RUN for anyone and everyone
  • A BRISK WALK for anyone up to the 3.1 mile challenge
  • JERSEY BATTERED WOMEN'S SERVICE, INC. is the official charity beneficiary of the Verizon Wireless Corporate Classic.
  • Please bring your old, unused wireless phones to donate at the Verizon Wireless HopeLine program phone drive.


HopeLine is a phone recycling program exclusive to Verizon Wireless that collects wireless phones and accessories from any wireless service provider, and refurbishes the phones or recycles them in an environmentally friendly way. Proceeds from the HopeLine program benefit victims of domestic violence and non-profit advocacy agencies. For more details, click here.

Jersey Battered Women's Service, Inc. (JBWS) has provided valuable life-saving services to victims of domestic violence and their families. Their mission is to prevent domestic violence through the protection and empowerment of the victim, to rehabilitate family members, and to educate the public about domestic violence and its consequences.

JBWS 24 Hour Helpline: 973-267-4673
Call: 973-898-9386


Who’s looking out for ya?


Theo Tilton





Monday, July 16, 2012

QnA begins now!

@NJBootcampers: 20-min #training & #nutrition QnA starts now! on twitter & facebook w @theotilton. Hit me up with your questions!

Warrior Dash NJ 2012


Here are some pics from Saturday’s Warrior Dash (NJ 2012)

If anyone has more please send them to me via email.

See you tonight!
Who’s looking out for your health & wellness,

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Warrior practice

Warrior dash practices this past week were great!

This season has proven to be our best season yet.

Here are some pics from bootcamp this week.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone

Friday, July 13, 2012

QnA begins now!

@NJBootcampers: 20-min #training & #nutrition QnA starts now! on twitter & facebook w @theotilton. Hit me up with your questions!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

W.O.D. 07/11/12

Warrior Practice on the Parcourse!


All bootcampers will perform a repeating portion of the  Parcourse until completion or 4 rounds. Or until the siren sounds at 30 minutes.


Instructions to be delivered during class.

Bring water with you during the practice challenge.


Who’s looking out for your health & wellness?



Monday, July 9, 2012

WOD 07/09/2012

JULY RSBC Starts Today!

Today’s workout is called:

You’re Crazy Buddy!

In 2 Teams:
· Running Body Hurdles - 3 rounds

· Bag of Rope Race teams on opposite sides

· Double Arm Overhead Kettle Bell Duck Walk

Buddy Partners:
· Buddy Push-ups with Alternating Claps

· Buddy Sit-ups with Alternating Claps

· Buddy Seesaw Squat Jumps

I would like to also welcome Tufan to RSBC.
Your gonna have a lot of fun and awesome results!!

To all BB6r’s for tonight:
· David

· Murat

· Tufan

· Karla


Who’s looking out for your health & wellness?


QnA begins now!

@NJBootcampers: 20-min #training & #nutrition QnA starts now! on twitter & facebook w @theotilton. Hit me up with your questions!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

25 Lessons That Will Make You Better at Attaining Your Weight Loss Goals!

Here are 25 Lessons & Tips that will make you better at attaining your weight loss goals.

They're they type of stuff that are likely worth printing out and hanging up to review again and again. Enjoy

1.Treat others the way you want to be treated.

2. Be early... on time is tolerable. Late is never acceptable.

3. Do what you say you're going to do. Try to do more. Never do less.

4. Focus on what you can control. You can control the number of times you come to class, how you eat, and what you choose to think about yourself!

5. Learn from the experiences of other - not just your own. – I lost over 100 pounds and kept it off for 20 years. Have you been listening to my tips on eating, nutrition, & exercise?

6. Live your life like most people do and you're going to settle for what most people get. Most people sit in front of the TV for more than 3 hours a day and never get up from the couch to do anything. There is a reason they call them couch potatoes.

7. 'Trying' isn't enough. It's an excuse. Either you're doing something or you're not. You are either following the RSBC program or you are not.

8. You never fail until you quit, make excuses or die. When was the last time you made an excuse?

9. If something is important to you, write it down. If you want to achieve it, put it in your calendar. I want to be 15 lbs lighter by July 29th 2012, be specific!

10. Make your goals specific and measurable. The more specific you are, the more quickly you'll be able to achieve them. Same as above with more specifics: I want to be 150 pounds, 14% body fat, 25BMI and lose 5 inches by August 30th.

11. Plan every day. Success isn't an accident. Write out tomorrow's plan the night before and review it throughout the course of the day. Tomorrow, I will eat 4 small meals and two healthy snacks, I will drink six(6) 20-oz bottles/glasses of water. I will be at bootcamp 5 minutes early and I will do an extra lap around at the end of class.

12. If you want your weight loss to be more successful, realistic, and sustainable - apply the 80/20 Principle to your nutrition program, be strict 80% of the time and cheat 20% of the time. 2 Cheat days every 10 days or 1 every 5 days

13. Discipline yourself... focus your energy, thoughts and actions on the task at hand and eliminate useless distractions. Meditate for 5 minutes daily, focus on what your body feels like when it is healthy and fit. Keep this feeling close to you all day, it will help you stay on track.

14. Schedule everything. Personal time too. Why wouldn't that be as important as an appointment with a client or a project at work?

15. Accept that there is no 'MAGIC PILL' or ‘QUICK FIX’ solution and that the only shortcuts are working smart, working hard and learning from others mistakes.

16. It's not only about you. Help others get what they want and you'll get what you want. Help others at camp succeed by calling them up and asking how they are doing? Become friends with other bootcampers, be involved with them and their success. Your success will emerge out from the same place in reciprocation from your new circle of influential friends.

17. Be nice. Genuinely care about others' success and happiness.

18. Surround yourself with successful people who have what you want. Create friends with everyone in class, they are on the same journey as you. Some of them might even have already lost 10-40 pounds on the program. If they can do it… so can you!

19. Focus on getting 1% better each day. Small improvements add up.

20. Take responsibility. If you make a mistake - own up. No excuses.

21. Change is inevitable. Embrace it.

22. Don't dwell on the past and don't live in the future. Focus on today. Stop telling yourself that you failed in the past and that it is hard for you to accomplish tangible weight loss success. You can, and you will be successful!

23. Half of success is showing up. Do the work... day after day. Don't get distracted. That's how you become better than everyone else not showing up.

24. Today is the best day to start (anything.) Procrastination is contagious. Wait until tomorrow and you may find yourself waiting until next week, next month or next year.

25. If you're waiting for circumstances to be different (or perfect) - you're in for a long wait. Stop waiting and start doing… If you haven’t joined ripped and sexy bootcamp yet, what the hell are you waiting for?

Who’s looking out for ya?


Monday, July 2, 2012

QnA begins now!

@NJBootcampers: 20-min #training & #nutrition QnA starts now! on twitter & facebook w @theotilton. Hit me up with your questions!

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