Thursday, April 19, 2012

W.O.D. 04/19/12

Which Team Has More BALLS?

It can be done with 2 people or with 30 or more.
It can be done as a competition, or not.
There are loads of variations, but let me explain the basics first.

Do the following circuit twice, resting for 1 minute between circuits. Each exercise
should be performed for 20 seconds.
·         Flap Jacks
·         Duck Unders
·         T-Plank Twist
·         SLDL Single Leg Dead lift (20 secs per side)
·         Leg Swings

·         Which Team Has More BALLS Workout! (see Below)

Cool-down, Stretching & Water Break – 10 minutes 
·         Dog Bird
·         Down Dog/Up Dog
·         Warrior III

Which Team Has More BALLS Workout Guidelines:
There are 100 mini plastic balls all marked each one with an exercise or an instruction written on them.
The balls are in a big bag set a distance away from home station.  Clients will sprint as fast as they can to get the balls and come back to perform the exercises as a team.  This continues until all the balls are gone or time is up.  The team with the most balls wins bragging rights!

Rules Before we begin:
1.    a camper picks a rep number by hand selecting a small ball out of a secret bag. 
2.    This rep number will apply to all teams during the  balls workout!
3.    If an orange ball is selected during the number selection the coach can randomly assign any number from 1-10, this counts as the number of reps to be done for each team & its member clients.
4.    The Exercise ball bag is a distance away from the starting line about 25-50 yards.
5.    "One-at-a-time" Partners/Teams - - We will divide the group into teams or partnerships.

Rules during game:
·         All members on all teams will hold a plank position while one team member will travel out and back to the ball bag as quickly as possible by running or sprinting.
·         The running Team Member will grab a ball (quickly & randomly without thought) then run back to their team.
·         When the running member returns, everyone will stop the plank position and perform the exercise labeled on the ball for the specified number of reps as a team.
·         Repeat this process for all team members.
·         While members are sprinting out and back, everyone else on the team must hold the plank position.
·         Both teams, play continues until all the balls are gone.
·         Game ends when all balls are brought back, or if time runs out at 28 minutes!

We will have an awesome workout!

Ps. There are some surprise balls that really make the workout harder for the other teams, and easier for your team, but only if you select them correctly; Good Luck!

Who is looking out for your health & wellness?

Theo Tilton NASM CPT

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